Archive for the ‘Arcade’ Category

Bombjack (almost) fully disassembled, at last!

February 18th, 2011
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Last month, I took some time to help disasm the other bios of the SuperMagicDrive….
These bioses are coded for SMS Mode, in Z80

While I was in Z80, I got back on a projet I started (10?) years ago : Bomback disassembly.

In only some days, I finally finished it.
So bad I didn’t own IDA when I first started, it’s VERY helpful.

Arcade | Posted by KanedaFr

Do you know this guy ? ;)

February 5th, 2011
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who is it ?

Do you know this guy ? 😉
He get back on my life recently…

It’s fun how my list on ‘best-stuff-of-my-youth’ is so short that I alway get back to the same thing year after year 😉

Arcade | Posted by KanedaFr