Archive for June, 2010


June 29th, 2010
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It’s been some times I’m looking for Arduino.
Unfortunatly, it lacks, from my point of view, 2 important things : a lot of digital IO (I don’t care of PWM, etc…) and easy USB communication (not only to upload sketch)

I recently found a derivated work called Teensy.
It’s exactly what I was looking for!
I really hope I’ll be able to make some electronics soon!

Electronics | Posted by KanedaFr

More than one year!

June 14th, 2010
Comments Closed

Oh my….

It’s been so long !
One year I didn’t post on forum, One year I didn’t buy a single genny related item and, the worst of all, One year I didn’t code for genny.

I really enjoy development on mobile phone (FlashLite and now Android) but I can’t avoid it…my heart is on genny side.
I’ll do my best to prove it soon.

Hopefully, a lot of long time forum membersĀ  are still active, it gives me some stamina!

Misc | Posted by KanedaFr