Archive for January, 2011

Sprint Layout

January 16th, 2011
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I found a very intersting software : Sprint Layout 5.0
It allows you to use a bitmap as reference to create your PCB layout….front and back sides!
I started yesterday:

I hope it will help me (and perhaps you!) to fix my Super Magic Drive

Electronics, Megadrive | Posted by KanedaFr

Mouse support

January 15th, 2011
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This time, I added mouse support !

This will not be included on SGDK until I’ll be able to test and verifiy my code  on real hardware.
Everything works on Fusion but, even if Fusion is the finest one,  it is an EMULATOR, not the real thing.

Then I hope to add Justifier then Menacer too!

Megadrive | Posted by KanedaFr

AnimLib for 0.7 – fixed!

January 12th, 2011
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Stef updated SGDK with a fixed sound driver…it was the culprit of my last bug on AnimLib

Great !

Megadrive | Posted by KanedaFr

Multi player support

January 12th, 2011
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After the 6 buttons support, I added EA4Way and SegaTeamPlayer….
Now working on the mouse 😉

Megadrive | Posted by KanedaFr

AnimLib for 0.7

January 8th, 2011
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Stef updated sgdk again, mainly in sega.s boot code (grrr!!!)
So I checked if AnimLib will still work with it

It seems nothing broke…


Megadrive | Posted by KanedaFr