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Genesis Resource Compiler


► Presentation

GenRes helps you to compile resource without any external converter.

This release includes several plugins
- BITMAP plugin (to convert 16colors bitmap to tiles)
- PAL plugin (extract only pal from bitmap)
- SPRITE plugin (to import 16colors spritesheets)
- MAP plugin (to import FMP from Mappy)
- CONTROLS plugin (to include easy to update move lists or special code)
- DAC plugin
- PSG plugin
- ECHO plugins

Sample is using SGDK
GenRes is no longer MSVC DLL dependant.


► Last changes

Use FreeImage library to support 256 colors bitmap and PNG
Use SoX for DAC support
New plugins and new syntax


► Source code (with sample)

SpritesMind's Bitbucket repo


► Files

GenRes 2.0 - 01Dec'15

GenRes 1.1 - 09Jul'14

GenRes 1.0 - 28Jun'14

GenRes 0.1 with sample - 25Jan'08 (decoding library not included)