For example, I recently made my own Nemesis-compressor in C++. You will need the following includes:
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#include <vector>
#include "GenTile.h"
#include "InternalNNode.h"
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef signed char sbyte;
typedef unsigned short int u16;
typedef signed short int s16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef signed int s32;
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vector<byte> Nemesis_Decomp(vector<GenesisTile> &f, bool xor) {
// f = graphic file (consisting of sega genesis tiles)
// xor = false for normal mode, true for xor mode
// if using xor mode, xor the file
if(xor) XOR_File(f);
// determine all the pixel runs in the file
vector<byte> runs;
u32 cursor = 0, run_begin = 0, run_end = 0; u32 nybbles = f.size() << 6;
while(cursor < nybbles) {
u32 nybble, cur_nybble = Read_Nybble(f, cursor);
cursor--; run_begin = cursor;
do {nybble = Read_Nybble(f, cursor);} while(nybble == cur_nybble);
if(nybble != -1) cursor--; run_end = cursor - 1;
u32 run_length = run_end - run_begin + 1;
while(run_length) {
u32 run_bits = (run_length > 8) ? 8 : run_length;
runs.push_back((run_bits - 1) << 4 | cur_nybble);
run_length -= run_bits;}}
// build a binary tree
vector<InternalNNode> tree;
for(u32 i=0; i<128; i++) tree.push_back(InternalNNode(0, i, 0, true, 0, 0));
// count run types
u32 num_runs = runs.size(); for(u32 i=0; i<num_runs; i++) tree[runs[i]].count++;
// strip tree of zero-count runs
for(s32 i=127; i>=0; --i) {if(!tree[i].count) tree.erase(tree.begin()+i);}
// number the nodes
u32 num_nodes = tree.size(); for(u32 i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) tree[i].id = i;
u32 unique_runs = num_nodes;
// link the nodes together into a tree
vector<InternalNNode> queue = tree;
while(num_nodes > 1) {
// find the two nodes with lowest counts
u32 node1, node2, lowest = ULONG_MAX; num_nodes = queue.size();
for(u32 i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
if(queue[i].count < lowest) {node1 = i; lowest = queue[i].count;}}
InternalNNode n1 = queue[node1]; queue.erase(queue.begin()+node1);
lowest = ULONG_MAX; num_nodes = queue.size();
for(u32 i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
if(queue[i].count < lowest) {node2 = i; lowest = queue[i].count;}}
InternalNNode n2 = queue[node2]; queue.erase(queue.begin()+node2);
// create a new node, and append it to both the tree and queue
// the new node has a count that is the sum of both nodes' counts
InternalNNode n3(tree.size(), -1, n1.count+n2.count, false,,;
tree.push_back(n3); queue.push_back(n3);
} queue.clear();
// figure out the codebook
u32 codes[128] = {0}, code_lengths[128] = {0}; num_nodes = tree.size();
for(u32 i=0; i<unique_runs; i++) {
u32 code = 0, code_length = 0, node = i, prev_node = node; u32 mask = 1;
do {for(u32 j=unique_runs; j<num_nodes; j++) {
if((tree[j].left==node) || (tree[j].right==node)) {node=j; break;}}
u32 bit = (tree[node].left == prev_node) ? 0 : ~0;
code |= (bit & mask); code_length++; prev_node = node; mask <<= 1;
} while(node < (num_nodes-1));
codes[tree[i].run] = code; code_lengths[tree[i].run] = code_length;}
// make the codebook canonical
byte current_code = 0;
for(u32 i=1; i<=8; i++) {
for(u32 j=0; j<128; j++) {if(code_lengths[j] == i) {
codes[j] = current_code; current_code++;}} current_code <<= 1;}
// remove any illegal codes, replacing them with the run's inline code
for(u32 i=0; i<128; i++) {
if(!Code_Valid(code_lengths[i], codes[i])) {
code_lengths[i] = 13; codes[i] = 0x1F80 | i;}}
// build the file; start with the number of tiles
// it's a 16-bit value; if it's in xor mode, set bit 15
vector<byte> file; file.clear();
u16 num_tiles = f.size(); if(xor) num_tiles |= 0x8000;
file.push_back(num_tiles >> 8); file.push_back(num_tiles & 0xFF);
// push the tree data
for(int i=0; i<16; i++) {
// check to see if the value is present in any run
bool found = false;
for(int j=0; j<8; j++) found |= (code_lengths[(j << 4) | i] <= 8);
if(found) {file.push_back(0x80 | i);
for(int j=0; j<8; j++) {u32 run = (j << 4) | i;
if(code_lengths[run] <= 8) {
file.push_back((j << 4) | code_lengths[run]);
} file.push_back(~0);
// now the best part: the data
u32 run_count = runs.size(), acc = 0, bit_count = 0;
for(u32 i=0; i<run_count; i++) {
// put a code into the accumulator
u32 run = runs[i];
bit_count += code_lengths[run];
acc = (acc << code_lengths[run]) | codes[run];
// if there are at least 8 bits in the accumulator, write any full bytes
while(bit_count > 8) {
bit_count -= 8; file.push_back((acc >> bit_count) & 0xFF);}
// if there are any bits in the accumulator, pad the remaining bits with 0s
if(bit_count) {acc <<= (8 - bit_count); file.push_back(acc & 0xFF);}
// shrink the file to fit, xor back if it was in xor mode, and output file
file.shrink_to_fit(); if(xor) InvXOR_File(f); return file;
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void XOR_File(vector<GenesisTile> &f) {
u32 tiles = f.size(), prev_row = 0, cur_row = 0;
for(u32 i=0; i<tiles-1; i++) {for(u32 j=0; j<8; j++) {
cur_row = f[i].pixels[j];
f[i].pixels[j] = cur_row ^ prev_row;
prev_row = cur_row;}}
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void InvXOR_File(vector<GenesisTile> &f) {
u32 tiles = f.size(), prev_row = 0, cur_row = 0;
for(u32 i=0; i<tiles-1; i++) {for(u32 j=0; j<8; j++) {
cur_row = f[i].pixels[j];
f[i].pixels[j] = cur_row ^ prev_row;
prev_row = f[i].pixels[j];}}
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inline u32 Read_Nybble(vector<GenesisTile> &f, u32 &c) {
if(c >= (f.size() << 6)) return -1;
int tile = c >> 6; int line = (c >> 3) & 7; int shift = (~c & 7) << 2;
c++; return (f[tile].pixels[line] >> shift) & 0xF;
- Must be between 1-8 bits
- Must not consist of all 1's
- If the code is at least 6 bits long, it must not start with 111111
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inline bool Code_Valid(u32 length, u32 code) {
/* codes are rejected under 4 conditions: */
/* condition 1: not between 1-8 bits */
if(!length || (length > 8)) return false;
/* condition 2: consists of all 1-bits */
u32 mask = (1 << length) - 1; if(code == mask) return false;
/* condition 3: starts with six 1-bits */
if(length >= 6) {
u32 shift = length - 6; if(((code >> shift) & 0x3F) == 0x3F) return false;}
/* if none of these conditions are true, the code is valid */
return true;
Here's "GenTile.h". It contains the class GenesisTile. It's a 32-byte string formatted just like an 8x8 tile.
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typedef unsigned int uint;
class GenesisTile {
uint pixels[8];
GenesisTile(); // constructor
~GenesisTile(); // destructor
GenesisTile(const GenesisTile& x); // copy constructor
GenesisTile::GenesisTile() { // constructor
for(int i=0; i<8; i++) pixels[i] = 0;
GenesisTile::~GenesisTile() { // destructor
GenesisTile::GenesisTile(const GenesisTile& x) { // copy constructor
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
this->pixels[i] = x.pixels[i];
Here's "InternalNNode.h". The class InternalNNode is used when building the binary tree.
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#pragma once
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short int u16bit;
typedef unsigned int uint;
class InternalNNode {
byte id; // node id
byte run; // corresponding run (symbol)
uint count; // frequency count
bool node; // node or leaf?
byte left; // left child
byte right; // right child
InternalNNode(); // constructor
~InternalNNode(); // destructor
InternalNNode(byte i, byte s, uint c, bool n, byte l, byte r); // parametrized constructor
InternalNNode(const InternalNNode& x); // copy constructor
InternalNNode::InternalNNode() {
this->id = 0;
this->run = 0;
this->count = 0;
this->node = false;
this->left = 0;
this->right = 0;
InternalNNode::~InternalNNode() {
InternalNNode::InternalNNode(byte i, byte s, uint c, bool n, byte l, byte r) {
this->id = i;
this->run = s;
this->count = c;
this->node = n;
this->left = l;
this->right = r;
InternalNNode::InternalNNode(const InternalNNode& x) {
this->id =; // copy id
this->run =; // copy run/symbol
this->count = x.count; // copy frequency count
this->node = x.node; // copy node/leaf status
this->left = x.left; // copy left child
this->right = x.right; // copy right child
You could include this library in an application, and call it a bunch of times to compress many files. This can be done by passing a set of strings in an array. Each string is a filename. For every filename passed, the corresponding file is Nemesis-compressed. Or, you could pass just one string for the filename, put an asterisk where the variable part goes, and pass shorter strings. The shorter strings will take place of the asterisk in the filename. That allows for batch Nemesis compression.
Or maybe, put graphics in different orders, and choose whichever produced the smallest file size.
I might think of ways to improve this later.
Next, I'll be posting my Enigma compression library.