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Post by stalepie » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:55 pm

And yes I realize it takes hard work! What doesn't? Anything good takes hard work.

I don't care if it takes 3 years of constant programming. It won't, but even if it did maybe it would still be worth it.

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Post by stalepie » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:55 pm


King Of Chaos
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Post by King Of Chaos » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:16 pm

stalepie wrote:But I don't wish to hear any more discouraging words from people who are not interested anyway, like King of Chaos, and these other jerks, who keep trying to discourage me.
Don't expect anymore replies in this topic then. :P
stalepie wrote:I don't care if it takes 3 years of constant programming. It won't, but even if it did maybe it would still be worth it.
You don't know that, you're not a programmer, remember? ;) Besides, would you pay this programmer a salary for his/her work? I don't think anyone would commit to such a project out of the goodness of their heart and do all that work for free. I'm sure they have better things to do. I suggest you should face reality - even though it's discouraging.

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Post by Gustavo » Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:07 am

It's a matter of time too,learn programming takes years,and even so maybe an artist just can make bad code.
I have 5 years working in the industry making art for casual games and I don't have time to learn how to program.

You should try make some graphics,show a mock-up and I think you can have a chance for a "PC" game,and as you said if you don't make any money this could be good for adding experience to your resume.
For a genesis game I think is like King Of Chaos says
"15 years or so ago, somebody probably would of cared".
I realized that,and I'm going to try again with BasiEgaXorz for my fakescalingtechdemothing.


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Post by tomaitheous » Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:00 pm

$15,000 and I'll write your game engine for you. Otherwise, I can't be bothered ;)

TmEE co.(TM)
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Post by TmEE co.(TM) » Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:16 pm

I'll do the tools for another $15000 :lol:
Mida sa loed ? Nagunii aru ei saa ;)
Files of all broken links and images of mine are found here :

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Post by LocalH » Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:17 pm

I'll undercut both of you and write the engine for the low, LOW sum of only $10,000. You can pay it half in advance and half after completion, or I'll give you a 25% discount if you can pay $7,500 in advance (in other words $7,500 in advance and nothing on completion).

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Post by Jony » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:38 am

Well... i think that it's great when someone is interested in the MD... it doesn't happen to often these days unfortunately, but anyone who has an idea needs to really make a solid and FINISHED document on how the game works, this needs to includes how the physics would work, all the enemies and how they would attack you, all the features of the engine etc...

It needs to include lots of pictures as well, think of it as a tutorial on how to understand your game concept :P

All i got from this particular person's concept was "exciting, maniac genesis sidescroller" and that is incredibly vague...
The HUD and stuff descriptions were all pretty basic and really nothing exciting to work on, and he lacked a story and any real characters...

I know this is a topic from 2 years ago, but just thought i'd post with the hope that it helps anyone else who is thinking of asking for help :P

Don't get discouraged... game programming is really hard, but people are willing to help you in not just this one but multiple forums!

I'd say you should learn C first then C++ (Which is basically like C with some tid-bits added on )

Go to they're always useful ;)

You can also find video tutorials on youtube ( very useful for those of us with a short attention span ;D )

But you should use the videos as a complement to the written tutorials which are more complete (video tutorial series are very rarely completely finished)

For graphics once you understand the basics of C or C++ you can start learning SDL (which adds certain keywords and stuff that allow you to display graphics in a relatively simple way) i recommend these tutorials geared for C++ but can be ported to C if you replace classes with structs and stuff ;)

When you don't understand something, google it, if you can't find any answers or don't understand them(like me, i'm an airhead :P) go to the forums and ask, above all, be patient.

No one learns anything overnight and you have to be prepared for that, just have fun making your computer your bitch doing all sorts of stuff that you tell it to do (I think of it that way, makes it more fun :D)

Assembly... is not entirely necessary...
That's why we have SGDK and GCC but at first i'd suggest make some PC SDL games, they have better graphics and everything :P

And after that, start getting into Game Console Development ;)
"I'm looking for some alien toilet to park my bricks, who's first?"

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