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MESS Emulator Assembly Offset WRONG

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:14 pm
by Okie
When running through code of a rom with MESS, the address of the assembly is different than the address in the list file if I had assembled the assembly file using snasm /p file.asm,file.bin,file.sym,file.lst or the same for Asm68. Anyone know why it does this? The address is wrong in the program of MESS and when I dump a disassembly in MESS command line using dump dump.asm,0,ROMEND where ROMEND is the end address of the rom

Re: MESS Emulator Assembly Offset WRONG

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:35 pm
by Okie
Would anyone here use the Mess Emulator much for debugging? Appreciate any help with this address problem.