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A Sega CD-32X Game Idea

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:04 am
by evildragon
So, me and a few friends are gonna start coding a massive RPG-like game, without the menu fighting scenes, and with REAL fighting scenes. It will be a fully texture mapped 3D world.

HOWEVER, we only want to "try" to code it, if anyone is actually interested in a game like this. Since I can't code anymore, and I can barely type (i sadly got carpel tunnel), I am the lead at designing the storyline.

So, this is the storyline. No name for the game, and no characters have names yet. It's all Character A, etc, things like that.

The game takes place in the medieval times, sorta. It's not exactly on this planet, and it's a mix of modern tech, and medieval time stuff.

It's hard to describe the game, as it's not a complete plot. But the gist of it is: Main character gets friends, makes an army, evil leader of the planet wants everyone to be slaves for him, and you must stop him.

Not everything will be polygonal though, there's gonna probably be some limitations and we might need to use sprites in some spots (like, a fence or lamp posts?)..

The game will use the Sega CD for PCM wavetable music, almost like the SNES, without the reverbs. Perhaps some CD tracks with a fully composed song (sorta like the music you hear on the commercials for Final Fantasy), via GarageBand on my Mac, possibly for the intro and credits.

OR, we make a simpler game. Haunted house, you are a hunter, and hunt the evil out of the house. Btw, the house being a mansion, a BIG mansion. Totally polygonal, same engine as the above game. Might be like the game Silent Hill, but with an original plot, but the same amount of scare.

So yea, need opinions on it. If no one wants it, it won't be produced. But we will aim to make sure the game works on real hardware, AND Kega Fusion. So anyone can play it. And it would be freeware.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:04 pm
by Chilly Willy
Pretty typical RPG. It's all in how good the user interface is. If it's intuitive and easy to control, you wouldn't have any trouble getting people to play it. If it's unwieldy and a pain, no one will play it regardless of how good the story/graphics/sound.

I don't normally play RPGs. I can count the number of RPG titles I've bought for ALL my consoles on one hand. I can't remember the last time I played one... maybe a couple years ago. That said, RPGs are VERY popular. If you're going to pick a "sure hit" category for a game, you make it either an RPG or a first or third person shooter.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:41 pm
by evildragon
This is the kind of interface I plan to chose.

REQUIREMENTS: 6-button game controller.

first person RPG. The ability to switch "characters" (will be preprogrammed though, depending on the part of the storyline).

When in a battle, you use the ABC buttons to fight with a certain weapon, start brings up the normal Save, Setup, etc, and using XYZ buttons lets you change camera, selected weapons, and don't know what's in store for "Z".

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:27 pm
by TulioAdriano
Just want to wish good luck and a lot of patience along several years.

The development of TRPG is planned to end next year but we started in 2004.

Yeah... 4 years fighting that wild beast. Genny is a hell of a hardware, super cool, but sometimes super complicated, especially when you combine Sega CD... and I think adding 32X complicates it even more...

Fonzie can speak about it more than I...

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:59 pm
by evildragon
TulioAdriano wrote:Just want to wish good luck and a lot of patience along several years.

The development of TRPG is planned to end next year but we started in 2004.

Yeah... 4 years fighting that wild beast. Genny is a hell of a hardware, super cool, but sometimes super complicated, especially when you combine Sega CD... and I think adding 32X complicates it even more...

Fonzie can speak about it more than I...

Good luck!
Oh yea, it's not an easy task. I can't wait for TRPG to be finished.

It sucks I can't do any programming anymore, I'm really sad about that. I might though code the intro and title screen though. I'll have some photoshop mockups of what I plan to do.

Oh yea, the Genesis video won't be used. We "want" to make it simpler without mixing, and just use all 32X video. Being 3D, there's no "scrolling layers", etc required.

And heh, we got a lot of assembly books XD and the important, official Sega docs that we found here. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:38 am
by elan
What about ->


What about 2D+3D-bonus level shooter like Superstardust on Amiga1200???

Superstardust web


3D bonus level
2D game



That planet rotation is awesome idea on PS3 version...

PS: I know it is not RPG...But I love STARDUST.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:14 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
MD could use some more original RPGs, even though I'm not RPG fan (but I have beat one RPG (Soleil), and one other to last stages(Sword of Vermillion))... well, I guess if your game will have a sufficiently good soundtrack, it may make me play it (good soundtrack was the reason I played these RPGs)... damn, I'm a music freak...
But a new good shooter will draw my attention immediately, or something else with fast action filled gameplay...
One thing I hate in any game : RPG like -> LEVELING <- crap !!! That is the reason I don't play RPGs..

I'd use MD VDP for status bars (and other static things), then I don't have to worry about them on already heavily loaded SH-2s...

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:55 pm
by elan


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:28 pm
by evildragon
TmEE co.(TM) wrote:I'd use MD VDP for status bars (and other static things), then I don't have to worry about them on already heavily loaded SH-2s...
The only thing we want the Genny to do is sound effects via it's own sound system, nothing more, not even video.

We want to push the 32X to the limit. Can't do that if the Genny is helping. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:41 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
I'd rather push the whole setup to the limit... making use of the all CPUs, video chips, and sound chips... lots of fun getting them all working... :D

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:51 am
by evildragon
TmEE co.(TM) wrote:I'd rather push the whole setup to the limit... making use of the all CPUs, video chips, and sound chips... lots of fun getting them all working... :D
Well, this is what the systems are doing.

32X: Handling graphics rendering only. Perhaps some PWM sounds.
Genesis: Handles sword sounds, explosions, etc via YM2612 and some PSG. Also is in charge of the games engine, input, etc.
Sega CD: Storage medium, and PCM audio (like tracked wavetable music, and some RedBook tracks).

If I used the Genny video output, I wouldn't be doing any overlaying, I'd just have the coders make it a half half like Doom.. One part all Genny, the other all 32X.