MVSTracker is initially a tracker for the NeoGeo from Ivan
I planned to port in to Genesis but ,as always, I lacked times.
Pascal did it some times ago His port is cool but buggy (like the original) and not complete.
I finally found some time to adjust his code, with hints from composers.
I also rewrote the Z80 driver and added PSG/DAC support.
A lot of the work come from this very interesting post on the forum.
I called this release MVSTracker 'suite' because it's not only the tracker, but also a driver.
Of course, you could use the driver for PSG or DAC only.
► Features
Better key layout, similar to Fast Tracker and MilkyTracker
(lot of) Bugs fixes
Genny and NeoGeo mode
Demo Genny ROM
New Z80 improved driver with PSG and DAC support (driver only)
The driver
- source (neogeo/mvst and genny)
- blank rom used in "Export Megadrive Test Rom"
- demo, include the 68k->Z80 wrapper to manage the Z80 driver
The utilities
- SOX to convert any sound to DAC
- AYFxEdit to create PSG fx, thanks Shiru + AFMix 0.1 to up to 3 PSG in one for my sound driver
- WLA DX to compile Z80 driver
- the logo made by Pascal, to add it on your intro screens
- README, common to all the files (also in tracker binary)