active disassembly in 2.0.1

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active disassembly in 2.0.1

Post by powerofrecall »

To my surprise I got 2.0.1 running in Wine 1.7 on ubuntu (you need to provide the msvc runtime dlls, but it works) but I can't get active disassembly working. The 'Enabled' check-box for data capture keeps unchecking itself. I tested Exodus in a windows 7 virtual machine as well (highly not recommended) and I'm seeing the same problem... box immediately unchecks itself. Is this feature not available yet? I had no problems with it in the 1.x version of Exodus.

Other than that, I have no problems with this beast of an emulator.
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Post by Nemesis »

The active disassembly option now validates the supplied data range in the "Start" and "End" fields. The end address must be greater than the start address in order for the option to be enabled. In the previous version the address range wasn't validated, and could result in a crash. There is a bug somewhere though, because that end address is supposed to default to the total address range of the processor. Just update it manually to the range you want, and you should be able to enable the option.

I'll do a 2.0.2 release sometime soon which will include a fix for the initial end value.
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Re: active disassembly in 2.0.1

Post by panzeroceania »

any updates on your progress?
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