What's coming in Exodus version 1.1?

Official support forum for the Exodus Emulation Platform

Moderator: Nemesis

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Post by Nemesis »

There's a 32-bit build target available. I won't be making an official 32-bit release, because as Alegend45 said, you probably won't be able to run anything at a decent rate, but it'll be easy enough for anyone to do a 32-bit unofficial build when the source is released.
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Post by mickagame »

Nemesis is possible to have a beta or special relase including fix for story of thor? I would have to use the debugger in this roms :-)

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Post by Nemesis »

I believe I've fixed the error with that game, but I can't make a release right now because the current codebase is halfway through a major internal change and won't even compile right now, and I'm not confident jumping back in time to a previous point and releasing a version from then because there would be some changes "out of order", IE, ones I'd definitely like to include in another small release like that, and ones that aren't ready for release yet, so it would take awhile to untangle it all.

If you can bear with me until the source release, it'll be much easier from then on. You'll be able to just pull the latest changes from the repository and do your own build for these kind of fixes then, so someone could do a fix and you could get it into a build within a few minutes.
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Post by tryphon »

Exodus 1.1 would be a great Xmas present :)
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Post by Nemesis »

That would be fantastic, but I don't know how likely it is at this point. I do have a couple of weeks off work around christmas though, so we'll see how much I can get done around then. Right now I'm limited to around 1 hour per weekday to work on this stuff, so progress can be slow at times.
Miles Prower
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Post by Miles Prower »

Will the Mastersystem/Power Base converter be supported, since Exodus is emulating both Z80 and SN76489.
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Post by Nemesis »

Support could be added without too much work. Most of my work on the next version has gone into the platform itself, getting things ready for other people to build new cores and extensions to allow other systems to be emulated. If someone wanted to tackle the Master System as a project, I believe it could be done fairly easily.
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Post by deargodwhatisthat »

How about a beta release for Valentine's Day .... :)
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