So... how does it run on your system?

Official support forum for the Exodus Emulation Platform

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Post by Karate_Sniper »

Kega's accuracy is enough for me, I don't want to made a million color demo, or anything close to Pier Solar. I agree with faster hardware, the emulator's requirement will be easier to accept.
By the way, apart from Gens K-mod, is there any emulator with Kega's accuracy level and speed with debugging features (vdp mainly)?
Most of the time, the only debugging I need is to check if the colors are loaded properly, and how much space do I have left from the vram.
I program now in BasiEgaXorz (yeah, not the highest level), and I need to see visually the free vram and where is this space exactly.
Testing is time consuming on real hardware (as I said in some posts earlier) with eproms ect,ect.
King Of Chaos
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Post by King Of Chaos »

Karate_Sniper wrote:By the way, apart from Gens K-mod, is there any emulator with Kega's accuracy level and speed with debugging features (vdp mainly)?
Sadly, no. A few years ago Snake was thinking about releasing a build of Kega Fusion with his debugging options enabled (yes, Kega has debugging options, if you open Kega's executable in Resource Hacker you'll see the leftover menus for the debugging options) but he didn't get the time or the chance to do so.
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Post by Shadow »

Stef wrote:of course now you have more accurate emulators as Genplus GX or Exodus but still Kega is pretty accurate and good enough to play almost perfectly every game with descent PC requirement.
Yeah for playing games Kega good, but... i not play in games (include PC games) since 2011 year. I don't know how exactly explain it, but i enjoy to see how emulator works especially with undocumented parts.

P.S Thank you for reply, nice to meet with good people.
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Post by Karate_Sniper »

King Of Chaos wrote:
Karate_Sniper wrote:By the way, apart from Gens K-mod, is there any emulator with Kega's accuracy level and speed with debugging features (vdp mainly)?
Sadly, no. A few years ago Snake was thinking about releasing a build of Kega Fusion with his debugging options enabled (yes, Kega has debugging options, if you open Kega's executable in Resource Hacker you'll see the leftover menus for the debugging options) but he didn't get the time or the chance to do so.
It's sad, then I'll have to save up for a new cpu or overclock my i3... It's really a bad thing that Snake didn't have the opportunity to add the debug functions...Well, until my new cpu, I guess the visual novel can run with a bit of lagging, but the debugging will be there at least.

Thanks for the info anyway. :)
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Post by Stef »

Shadow wrote: Yeah for playing games Kega good, but... i not play in games (include PC games) since 2011 year. I don't know how exactly explain it, but i enjoy to see how emulator works especially with undocumented parts.

P.S Thank you for reply, nice to meet with good people.
So i do, i don't play much anymore, i also like trying to understand how a game push an effect and stuff like that... i also do some programming and of course exodus is gold for that but still i also use Kega a lot as accuracy is good enough in almost case and the emulator runs full speed even on low end machine :)
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