Warsong - 40-110fps, in gameplay every few seconds game freezes at short time.
On my system this game don't drop below 85 FPS. It has 95 FPS average. But since I don't like such games I don't test it long time. Just couple minutes of ingame.
HardWareMan wrote:On my system this game don't drop below 85 FPS. It has 95 FPS average. But since I don't like such games I don't test it long time. Just couple minutes of ingame.
OK, at my work computer there are freezes every second (or so, when squares change the color). Sound freeze too. Average 76 FPS.
This happen when game update this VDP area:
I'm using Windows XPx64 SP2
I've installed Visual C++ 2005 SP1 x64 runtime but emulator doesn't work:
I put dwmapi.dll (taken from Win7) into emulator folder, \system32 and \SysWOW64 and registered it: cmd - <regsvr32 dwmapi.dll>
But it doesn't help
That error tells me the chances of Exodus working on XP x64 is slim to none (even though the system requirements say Windows XP or above), you'll probably need Vista x64 and higher (preferably Windows 7 x64).
Huge wrote:I imagine that would be limited by your drive speed, not cpu power. Have you tried it on a SSD?
OK, let's see. 5 threads for one channel. 6 channels and one master out. So we have 5*6+1=31 threads. Output format is 44100/16/2 that require 172,2KBytes/s. In result: 31*172,2=5340,2KBytes/s or 5,2MBytes/s. Do you still believe that is not enough the regular HDD? This speed is smaller than can done my UDMA33 HDD 10 years ago.
King Of Chaos wrote:That error tells me the chances of Exodus working on XP x64 is slim to none (even though the system requirements say Windows XP or above), you'll probably need Vista x64 and higher (preferably Windows 7 x64).
Is there any reason it would run differently on vista 64 vs. 7 64?