Crashing with Watchpoint Set

Official support forum for the Exodus Emulation Platform

Moderator: Nemesis

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Crashing with Watchpoint Set

Post by ryanfaescotland »

Hey Nemesis,

Here's the topic I mentioned about the crashes I'm having.

I'm running Exodus 2.1 and it happens when I've got a Watchpoint set on a RAM address, it doesn't always crash immediately but it does do so within a few seconds, whether it has hit it or not. I watch the Memory Usage whilst it does and it isn't maxing out or even increasing substantially.

I'm getting crash reports thankfully so have uploaded a couple to Google Docs here: ... 2JXtNfbuTM and here: ... clYu8IoBGO

And I'm working on Toejam and Earl setting a watchpoint on FFDA8A.

If I can help with anything else let me know.
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Re: Crashing with Watchpoint Set

Post by Nemesis »

Thanks, that was very helpful. I've found the issue, there was a missing lock that caused a race condition. I've pushed a fix under EX-346. Since this is a pretty major issue that affects debugging in general, I'll probably push out a new build in the next few weeks.
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Re: Crashing with Watchpoint Set

Post by ryanfaescotland »

Quick work and thanks, will keep my eyes peeled for the new build.

You happy for bug reports to be made here or prefer them on the issue tracker in git? I like to raise them here first incase it is just me being dumb and someone can tell me so before I raise anything 'official' but at the same time I'm happy to stick to git if prefers. Chef's choice. :)
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Re: Crashing with Watchpoint Set

Post by Nemesis »

Here please. I'm using a Jira instance for issue tracking, which theoretically would be the more correct location to report issues in the future, but I'm not monitoring it for other people adding content, so if you report something there I'll never see it. As for the repo, I want to keep that clean and simple, and just host the code. I'll probably migrate the repo over to Gitlab soon too, as I've read there's Mercurial support for Gitlab in the works, so any extra content in that other than the plain repo might get lost.
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