Just made a start yesterday trying to get running with Exodus and ran into problems with both the pre-built binaries and the bitbucket source code.
Pre-built version falls over whenever I set a breakpoint in the 68K with an error about accessing an unauthorised memory location.
Source code doesn't compile with a host of beautiful errors but I think this is related to an issue bitbucket was having as the download came down at only 2.4MB when it is reported to be 5.8MB on the download site (It's also my first time using bitbucket so haven't figured out how to get it to integrate nicely with the GitHub desktop client yet).
Anyway, I'll continue with getting my dev environment setup over the weekend, I'm a Java / C# guy but have worked with C++ in the past so not promising I can contribute enough to revolutionise the project (not that it needs revolutionising!) but hopefully I can make some helpful additions even if it is more around testing, bug tracking, documentation that sort of thing.
And finally let me do the obligatory gush - Thank you so much for this awesome emulator and all the work you have done so far. I <3 the Mega Drive and it is great to see it getting some more love. Keep up the good work, yadda yadda yadda.