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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:32 pm
by Stef
RedAngel wrote:Hey Stef, the cube looks much better in this version! The musics sound great, good job.

Fonzie: I am very happy to see a new version of Equinoxe. Why donĀ“t you make another "Beat it" video to compare with the old version?
Thanks ;)
I guess you first saw the gouraud shaded cube which doesn't look very nice. Here you have the "simple" flat shaded one =)

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:52 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
Stef wrote:A test of my new Z80 driver :

cube 3D with sample play

- you can activate sample play with button B & C
- you can stop it with button A

I think the second tune (C button) can nicely sounds a demo compo ;)
that kicks ass !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:02 pm
by Fonzie
Great release :)

I just wondered some days ago (with kaneda)... When you read on cartridge with z80, it halt the 68K...

Since z80 is slower than 68K, it may take 68k halted several cycles... And if you are reading intensively (max speed) during DAC mixing, what does happen to the dear 68K?

I mean, your demo appear very smooth... does emulators handle the 68K halt? Maybe i misunderstood something?

Thx :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:22 pm
by Stef
Fonzie wrote:Great release :)

I just wondered some days ago (with kaneda)... When you read on cartridge with z80, it halt the 68K...

Since z80 is slower than 68K, it may take 68k halted several cycles... And if you are reading intensively (max speed) during DAC mixing, what does happen to the dear 68K?

I mean, your demo appear very smooth... does emulators handle the 68K halt? Maybe i misunderstood something?

Thx :D
thanks ;)

You're right, when Z80 access 68000 bus it can slowdown 68000 execution... Gens doesn't emulate it nor Fusion i guess.
I tested my rom sometime ago on the real hardware (the cube wasn't displayed for some obscure reason) and the impact isn't that heavy hopefully, you loss 2/3 FPS... by the way, Gens doesn't emulated VDP latency during "no blank" period so it runs significally faster than on real hardware. However Fusion does it ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:03 am
by 8bitwizard
Here's what I've been working on.

I was working on a RPG for the ColecoVision, but I was tired of the limtations of that system (not enough colors, and the impending doom of bank switching on a system with no emulator support for it). It was about 22K just for the demo with some maps, so I converted that over. It's now at the same state it was on the Coleco except that I haven't converted the sound yet. ... opic=80281

...and I had a game that I tried to get working on the Atari 7800 until it just became too much trouble (the video chip needs its graphics in a weird layout and sucks up too many bus cycles), that I've been converting for the past few weeks: ... pic=101645

I've been using my own assembler (which has an ancestry back to my college days back in the mid '80s) which I recently upgraded do multiple CPUs (like 68000 and Z80) in the same source file:

Mostly I'm doing my development using MacSDLMess, with my assembly batch script calling it up as a command-line program. I also have a floppy-drive Multi Game Hunter on a 1601, to which I've added the rear port and an RS-232 converter board. When needed, I can use a version of Macsbug over the serial port to help me debug stuff. And I've had a circuit board made for when I actually have something worth putting on a real cartridge. (for which I've been collecting junk cartridges at a dollar or less so that I'll have shells for the boards)

I've found that the MD/Genesis is one of the easiest systems ever to program for. It doesn't hurt that I did a lot of Z80 and 68000 assembly code back in the day, or that I'm so familiar with the Colecovision hardware.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:41 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
37KHz Z80 playback demo available on my site

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:45 pm
by Stef
I updated the first post :)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:47 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
Stef wrote:I updated the first post :)
Nice :D

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:38 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
Stereo sample player for MD :

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:22 pm
by Jorge Nuno
My first MD program: (I couldn't die without releasing anything :lol: , but don't get very excited as it's nothing special)

Source (ASM, commented in EN+PT, LOL):

"Clique AQUI para prosseguir " If this message appears, click where it says AQUI in the site.

Quick description: Nothing great, there is an Intro text screen with a cycling pallete, pressing the Trigger buttons you get:

A: a scrolling color gradient plane resembling (or not) a sky. Warning this is very BAD!
B: The main reason I'm releasing this: it's a Read/write interface to anywhere you want in the 68000 MMap (instructions on-sceeen), a little glitchy but it works...
C: This was supposed to be a rotating sprite around a movable origin, but it's not working correctly, yet...

Please test this on the machine itself

Credit goes for all of you, THANK YOU, 101% assembly built off a source at devega called ascii.asm (I got the intro text idea from there)...

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:41 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
Its much better than my first demo. Great job !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:46 pm
by Stef
TmEE co.(TM) wrote:Stereo sample player for MD :
Does it work on real hardware ? my first attempt worked on emulators but failed with real hardware :-/

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:55 pm
by Stef
Jorge Nuno wrote:My first MD program: (I couldn't die without releasing anything :lol: , but don't get very excited as it's nothing special)

Source (ASM, commented in EN+PT, LOL):

"Clique AQUI para prosseguir " If this message appears, click where it says AQUI in the site.

Quick description: Nothing great, there is an Intro text screen with a cycling pallete, pressing the Trigger buttons you get:

A: a scrolling color gradient plane resembling (or not) a sky. Warning this is very BAD!
B: The main reason I'm releasing this: it's a Read/write interface to anywhere you want in the 68000 MMap (instructions on-sceeen), a little glitchy but it works...
C: This was supposed to be a rotating sprite around a movable origin, but it's not working correctly, yet...

Please test this on the machine itself

Credit goes for all of you, THANK YOU, 101% assembly built off a source at devega called ascii.asm (I got the intro text idea from there)...
Very nice palette rotation choice :)
It's a nice shot for a first demo in 100% asm ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:18 pm
by Jorge Nuno
Stef wrote:Very nice palette rotation choice :)
It's a nice shot for a first demo in 100% asm ;)
Thanks, But I still need to fix some routines to get Screen-C working correctly, that screen is supposed to be a 2D rotation mini-demo (it just moves around and the sprite warps all over the place, OMGLOL)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:28 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
I tried it on real HW and :

A button doesn't do anything.
B works perfectly.
C crashes the proggy and TV usually looses sync...