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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:57 am
by Stef
I'm really sorry Stef, I forgot to copy the updated version of my homepage on my flasher which means no source today...

64KB because 2x 8-bit registers form 1 16-bit reg which can hold numbers from 0...65535. Bank changes are automatic so no 32KB limit. I was wondering yesterday, that what might happen if the WAV header is too close to the end of bank... lots of static ?
No problem for the source code, i can wait :p
When you said "bank change is automatic", you mean your code does it automatically right ?

What about forcing your wav len to be 8 bytes boundary (you can use 4 or 16 also) ?
Fill the last unused bytes with silent then you can use your 16 bits reg to store (lenght / 8 ) instead of lenght. That permit you to play (65536 * 8 ) bytes lenght wav easily and also unroll your play loop to 8 bytes :)

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:37 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
Yes, the software does it automatically with no clicks or pops 8)

For larger files you can always uncomment ~10 lines in the source (makes things slightly slower) if you need to play long samples. You don't need any additional "tweaks".

As for unrolling, it makes the code very ugly, my implementation is not very unrolling friendly. if you do unrolling, the speed increase would be very minimal.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:21 pm
by Stef
TmEE co.(TM) wrote:Yes, the software does it automatically with no clicks or pops 8)

For larger files you can always uncomment ~10 lines in the source (makes things slightly slower) if you need to play long samples. You don't need any additional "tweaks".

As for unrolling, it makes the code very ugly, my implementation is not very unrolling friendly. if you do unrolling, the speed increase would be very minimal.
Ok :)
Unrolling can be cool for channel mixing but for a single wav playback i guess the Z80 is more than enough ;)

When you said "makes things slightly slower", does that lower the playback rate ?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:39 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
Yes, sample rate gets slower. PCM playback is the best way to measure code performance because every improvement shows up in sound.

Anyway source is up, like always on my site's MD section.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:44 am
by Stef
Thanks, i'll check that now ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:10 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
What do you think, can you suggest any improvements ?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:22 pm
by Stef
I had a quick look on it but as i'm not very familiar with Z80 assembly, i can't really suggest something for now ;)
Something i noticed : you have the "setBankValue" code duplicated in the source or somethink like that, is it required ?

Anyway i'll have more time to study it after my job ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:22 pm
by Fonzie
Left : Original - Right : EQX PRO8
Improving again my codec :P
I think i fixed the reading slowdown on real hardware, i'll test it soon :) ... pro8_yatta
Enjoy :D 28MB of pure pleasure ;P

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:13 am
by Pascal
impressive :shock: good choice of the clip :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:59 pm
by Stef
Funny clip, i have it somewhere on my HD ;)
Impressive image rate for a such big window ! And the video quality is always getting better :)
Are you refreshing the entire image at each frame ?
Are you setting top and bottom border as blank area to maximize the VDP VRAM write capabilities ?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:36 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
Stef wrote:Something i noticed : you have the "setBankValue" code duplicated in the source or somethink like that, is it required ?
One sets up start bank (and all the other stuff to begin playing) and other is used to change bank if one is played.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:23 am
by Fonzie
Funny clip, i have it somewhere on my HD Wink
Impressive image rate for a such big window ! And the video quality is always getting better Smile
Are you refreshing the entire image at each frame ?
Are you setting top and bottom border as blank area to maximize the VDP VRAM write capabilities ?
Thank you :D
It upload only 96 tiles every 1.25 frames this is Equinoxe's Main advantage... I don't have to optimise any dma period :)
Are you refreshing the entire image at each frame ?
Partialy, it have a sort of MPEG-like refreshing... Only moving parts are refreshed.
You cannot see it here because everything is moving and because the video isn't enough fullscreen (so the encoder did not destroyed much).

good choice of the clip Wink
Thank you :D I promised something colorful :)

I can't wait to release something else ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:27 am
by TmEE co.(TM)
How Equinoxe compression works ?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:29 pm
by Stef
A test of my new Z80 driver :

cube 3D with sample play

- you can activate sample play with button B & C
- you can stop it with button A

I think the second tune (C button) can nicely sounds a demo compo ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:55 pm
by RedAngel
Hey Stef, the cube looks much better in this version! The musics sound great, good job.

Fonzie: I am very happy to see a new version of Equinoxe. Why donĀ“t you make another "Beat it" video to compare with the old version?