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Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:52 pm
by Chilly Willy
Okay, here's my latest DevKit32X and the latest Wolf32X code.


To make Wolf3D Shareware, do the exports

Code: Select all

export GENDEV=/usr/local/gendev
export PATH=$GENDEV/sh2/bin:$GENDEV/m68k/bin:$GENDEV/bin:$PATH
then "make -f Makefile-wsw". The Spear of Destiny Demo is "make -f Makefile-sdm". Note: if you put the gendev directory somewhere other than /usr/local, be sure to change the first export. For example, I currently use /home/jlfenton/Tools/gendev.

The Wolf32X code gives an example of how you could do a 32X program, and has a bunch of code that could be helpful for your own project, like the debug print code and the crt files.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:32 pm
by Chilly Willy
Okay, here's archives for my latest gendev toolchain and "SDK". The SDK is the source for bin2c, libheap, libmd, libromfs, and zasm. The binaries are all in the toolchain archive in the proper place. Note that this arc, unlike previous ones, is entirely 32 bit. Most 64 bit linux distros can handle that, but you may need 32 bit compatibility libraries installed. The SH compiler has been updated to the latest KPIT 902 release.


Notes: libheap is a basic allocator library that would be underneath a malloc library. libmd is Stef's MiniDevKit support files all made into a library for convenience. libromfs is a library for reading romfs generated rom files (genromfs included). bin2c and zasm are used for making Z80 programs that can be included in programs. See the musicdemo example for details.

Please note the exports needed for Genesis or 32X compiling:
export GENDEV=/home/jlfenton/Tools/gendev
export PATH=$GENDEV/m68k/bin:$GENDEV/bin:$PATH

export GENDEV=/home/jlfenton/Tools/gendev
export PATH=$GENDEV/sh2/bin:$GENDEV/m68k/bin:$GENDEV/bin:$PATH

Wolf32X serves as the example of 32X programming, while any of the musicdemo apps serve as a demonstration of Genesis programming.