I was installing the tools folowing the wiki commands, but seems somethings wrong with the files...
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cd ${HOME}
mkdir 20151220
cd 20151220
wget -qO- http://tiny.cc/msbil | tar zxf -
cd makestuff
scripts/msget.sh makestuff/hdlmake/20151220
cd hdlmake/apps
mkdir makestuff
cd makestuff
../../../scripts/msget.sh makestuff/umdkv2
cd umdkv2/scripts
./build-sgdk.sh <----------------------------------------------------------------- HERE
cd ../m68k/menu
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root@sega-VirtualBox:/home/sega/20151220/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/umdkv2/scripts# ./build-sgdk.sh
Fetching SGDK v095...
xz: (stdin): Formato de archivo no reconocido
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
./build-sgdk.sh: 13: cd: can't cd to sgdk095
./build-sgdk.sh: 14: ./build-sgdk.sh: cannot create src/libres.s: Directory nonexistent
./build-sgdk.sh: 251: ./build-sgdk.sh: cannot create src/Makefile: Directory nonexistent
rm: no se puede borrar 'src/z80_ctrl.c': No existe el archivo o el directorio
patching file src/sys.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 582.
patch: **** Can't reopen file src/sys.c : No such file or directory
make: se entra en el directorio '/home/sega/20151220/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/umdkv2/m68k/src'
make: *** No se especificó ningún objetivo y no se encontró ningún makefile. Alto.
make: se sale del directorio '/home/sega/20151220/makestuff/hdlmake/apps/makestuff/umdkv2/m68k/src'