Improved Logic Analyzer

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Improved Logic Analyzer

Post by prophet36 » Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:39 pm

I've been working on providing an alternative to the trace log for those times when you want to see in detail what's going on at the signal level. The result is a 48MHz logic analyzer, which UMDK provides "for free". Unfortunately there's not enough USB bandwidth to sample all 44 bus signals continuously at 48MHz, but the trace FIFO is pretty big, so it should have enough room for a sample of about 160μs or so in duration. The result when viewed in GTKWave looks like this. This shows a bus arbitration between the Z80 and the 68000 during the "Sega!" ditty in the intro to Sonic 1. I still need to enable triggering so you can tell it things like "show me what was happening during the 160μs before the last crash".

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