Hi Prophet,
how would you like us to notify you of any issues with the Sourcecode for UMDK?
I have just patched a slight issue with your paths having checked if the issue was still present in your UMDK's Dev Branch, it was so I shall email you the Patch.
Issue-Tracking for UMDK
Moderators: BigEvilCorporation, prophet36
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- Posts: 484
- Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:11 pm
- Location: Berlin, Germany
Issue-Tracking for UMDK
UMDK Fanboy
It looks like you're using an incorrect branch. If you're a UMDK user, you should use a specific release; the most recent is 20140524:
Conversely, if you're a UMDK developer, you should use the dev branch:
For bug-reporting, GitHub already has a web-based tool for it: https://github.com/makestuff/umdkv2/issues
Code: Select all
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir 20140524
$ cd 20140524
$ wget -qO- http://makestuff.eu/bil | tar zxf -
$ cd makestuff/
$ scripts/msget.sh makestuff/hdlmake/20140524
Fetching "makestuff/hdlmake/20140524"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/hdlmake/20140524" into "hdlmake" directory...
Fetching "makestuff/common/20140524"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/common/20140524" into "./common" directory...
$ cd hdlmake/apps/
$ ../bin/hdlmake.py -g makestuff/umdkv2
MakeStuff HDL Builder (C) 2012-2013 Chris McClelland
Fetching https://github.com/makestuff/umdkv2/archive/20140524.tar.gz
$ cd makestuff/umdkv2/
$ ls
COPYING COPYING.LESSER gdb-bridge hackdump loader logread m68k README scripts templates vhdl
$ grep -E '^ROOT' logread/Makefile
ROOT := $(realpath ../../../../..)
Code: Select all
$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir dev
$ cd dev
$ wget -qO- http://makestuff.eu/bil | tar zxf -
$ cd makestuff/
$ scripts/msget.sh makestuff/hdlmake/dev
Fetching "makestuff/hdlmake/dev"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/hdlmake/dev" into "hdlmake" directory...
Fetching "makestuff/common/dev"...
Uncompressing "makestuff/common/dev" into "./common" directory...
$ cd hdlmake/apps/
$ mkdir makestuff
$ cd makestuff/
$ ../../../scripts/msgit.sh makestuff/umdkv2
Cloning into 'umdkv2'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 1054, done.
remote: Total 1054 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (1054/1054), 368.83 KiB | 382.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (622/622), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd umdkv2/
$ ls
COPYING COPYING.LESSER gdb-bridge hackdump loader logread m68k README scripts templates vhdl
$ grep -E '^ROOT' logread/Makefile
ROOT := $(realpath ../../../../..)
- Very interested
- Posts: 484
- Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:11 pm
- Location: Berlin, Germany
That's actually all the msget.sh script does (whereas the msgit.sh script actually does a git clone). My theory is you actually downloaded the zip for the master branch. In theory the master branch should point at the same commits as the most recent label. In practice, not so much.
Anyway, glad you got it sorted!
Anyway, glad you got it sorted!
- Very interested
- Posts: 484
- Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:11 pm
- Location: Berlin, Germany