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Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:13 pm
by OrangyTang
I've been poking at Gunstar Heroes off-and-on for a few months now, mostly just working away at the edges, but I finally managed to figure out the compressed data format. :D

Here's the GH font, decompressed from raw rom bytes with some custom C# code:


Compressed data is 990 bytes, which decompresses to 2400 bytes (a ratio of 2.4, which is pretty good!).

I know, it's not super impressive considering you could just rip it with an emulator, but as far as I can tell it's a new compression format (none of the usual culprits like Nemesis, Kosinski, RLE fit). It seems to use this one format a lot, mostly for background pattern loading. Hopefully I'll now be able to decompress big chunks of the rom and see what's actually stored where.

Algorithm-wise, its kinda an RLE format. It has a variable bit-length encoding that decodes and write sparse values into a buffer, sometimes with an additional flag set. Once it's done that, it loops over subsections and smears values across memory depending on the last value written and whether the additional flag is set.

The other neat thing about it is that it doesn't seem to have any restrictions on length and just operates on a bit stream. GH seems to let it decode a pattern at a time and then send that to VRAM, and the decompressor can (and often does) stop mid-byte, only needing two 16-bit data values and an address to save the entire decompression state able to resume later.

Annotated asm:

Code: Select all

; Custom decompression routine
; Called from cmd2 and cmd3 (so data stream already in A1)
; Decompresses into ram b400, where it is ready for compacting and sending to ram/vram
; inputs:
;	A1 			- data stream
; input+output:
;	F730 - number of bits remaining in data to process (saved version of D2)
;	F732 - outstanding data to process (saved version of D3)
; outputs:
;	128 bytes written to B400..B480
; register usage:
;	A5 - pointer to output buffer write position
;	A4 - pointer to end of output buffer
;	D2 - how many unprocessed bits currently in registers
;	D3 - current input word
;	D4 - holds data before being written to output
;	D6 - write loop counter (also offset to output buffer)
;	D7 - general purpose working bits
	MOVEM.l	A5/A4/D7/D6/D5/D4/D3/D2, -(SP)	; save register state
	MOVE.w	$FFFFF730.w, D2	; restore any saved decompression state
	MOVE.w	$FFFFF732.w, D3
	LEA	$FFFFB400.w, A5 ; pointer to start of output buffer
	LEA	$80(A5), A4	; A4 holds pointer to end of output buffer (ie. B400 + 128 bytes, B480).
					; Used to check if we filled the buffer yet.
								; top prep
	SUBQ.w	#5, D2				
	BGT.w	@top_prep_A_00002754
	BEQ.w	@top_prep_B_00002748
								; fall through to top prep C
	MOVE.w	D2, D7						
	ADDQ.w	#5, D2
	LSL.l	D2, D3
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3	; read data stream
	NEG.w	D7
	LSL.l	D7, D3
	ADDI.w	#$000B, D2
	MOVE.l	D3, D7
	BRA.w	@common_top_prep_00002758
	MOVEQ	#$10, D2
	ROL.w	#5, D3
	MOVE.w	D3, D7
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3	; read data stream
	BRA.w	@common_top_prep_00002758
	ROL.w	#5, D3			
	MOVE.w	D3, D7			
	ANDI.w	#$001F, D7		; mask off bottom 5 bits
	LSR.w	#1, D7			; shift right 1
	BCS.w	@pre_inner_loop_00002770	; branch carry set? carry set if bit shifted out was 1
										; ie. Did we shunt a 1 out?
								; Direct Write Nibble
								; we're skipping the inner loop
								; so do inner loop replacement code
	MOVE.w	D7, D4
	MOVE.w	D4, (A5)+	; WRITE output word and advance
	MOVE.w	D4, D5
	ORI.w	#$8000, D5	; set 15th bit
	BRA.w	@prep_for_shunt_loop_000027F6 ; skip inner loop and go straight to shunting
	MOVE.w	D7, D4
	MOVE.w	D4, (A5)+	; WRITE output and advance
	MOVE.w	D4, D5
	BSET.l	#$0F, D5
	MOVEQ	#0, D6
; inner decode loop?
	SUBQ.w	#2, D2
	BGT.w	@inner_branch_A_000027A2
	BEQ.w	@inner_branch_B_00002796
								; fall through to inner branch C
								; need 2 bits, but only have 1 in register D3
	MOVEQ	#$F, D2		; valid bits will becomes 16
	ADD.w	D3, D3		; 
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3	; read data stream
	ADDX.w	D3, D3		; shift top bit off the end of the word
	MOVE.w	D3, D7
	ADDX.w	D7, D7
	BRA.w	@after_inner_branch_000027A6
@inner_branch_B_00002796:		; inner branch B
	MOVEQ	#$10, D2
	ROL.w	#2, D3
	MOVE.w	D3, D7
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; read data stream
	BRA.w	@after_inner_branch_000027A6
@inner_branch_A_000027A2:		; inner branch A
	ROL.w	#2, D3
	MOVE.w	D3, D7
	ANDI.w	#3, D7
	BEQ.w	@inner_continues_000027BA
	; write ahead method 1
@_write_ahead_1_marker_000027AE ; just a dummy for a breakpoint
	ADDQ.w	#6, D7		
	ADD.w	D7, D7
	ADD.w	D7, D6				; add to write offset
	MOVE.w	D5, -$2(A5,D6.w)	; WRITE D5 to write head with offset
	BRA.b	@innerLoop
@inner_continues_000027BA:	; jmp here if D7 is zero
	SUBQ.w	#1, D2
	BNE.w	@unknown_skip_000027C8
							; inner reinit
	MOVEQ	#$10, D2
	ADD.w	D3, D3
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; read data stream
	ROXR.w	#1, D3
	ADDX.w	D3, D3
	BCC.w	@prep_for_shunt_loop_000027F6	; exit inner loop
	SUBQ.w	#1, D2
	BNE.w	@unknown_skip_000027DC
							; re-read before write ahead
	MOVEQ	#$10, D2
	ADD.w	D3, D3			
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; read data stream
	ROXR.w	#1, D3			; now shunt Xtend flag back in
	ADDX.w	D3, D3
	BCS.w	@write_ahead_3_000027EC
	; write ahead method 2
@_write_ahead_2_marker_000027E2 ; just a dummy for a breakpoint
	ADDI.w	#$C, D6
	MOVE.w	D5, -$2(A5,D6.w)	; WRITE D5 to write head with offset
	BRA.b	@innerLoop
	; write ahead method 3
	ADDI.w	#$14, D6
	MOVE.w	D5, -$2(A5,D6.w)	; WRITE D5 to write head with offset
	BRA.b	@innerLoop	; end of inner loop
@prep_for_shunt_loop_000027F6: ; 1st arrives here
	MOVEQ	#0, D7
	MOVEQ	#1, D6
									; -------- shunt loop --------
									; look for runs of bits set ie 111100 loops 4 times
									; and outputs D7+4, D6=1,2,4,8,16,32,64,etc.
	ADDQ.w	#1, D7		
	ADD.w	D6, D6		
	SUBQ.w	#1, D2		
	BNE.w	@has_more_bits_00002816	; is counter >0?
									; ie. are there still bits left?
									; branch-not-equal (branch if Zero flag clear)
							; fall through here when D2 counter just decremented to 0
	MOVEQ	#$10, D2
	ADD.w	D3, D3			; shunt D3
	BCC.w	@read_input_then_exit_shunt_00002810	; did we just shunt 0?
									; branch-if-carry-clear
									; ie. branch if we shunted 0
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; READ data stream
	BRA.b	@shunt_loop_000027FA	
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; READ data stream
	BRA.w	@after_shunt_loop_0000281A					; EXIT SHUNT LOOP
@has_more_bits_00002816:	; more bits to process
	ADD.w	D3, D3	; shunt D3
	BCS.b	@shunt_loop_000027FA ; Did we just shunt out a 1?
									; -------- end shunt loop --------
							; Prep for write
							; has three paths, A, B, C, plus common finish
	SUB.w	D7, D2
	BGT.w	@write_prep_A_00002850 	; is D2>D7?
	BEQ.w	@write_prep_B_00002840
					; fall through to write prep C
	SWAP	D3			; clear upper word of D3
	CLR.w	D3			
	SWAP	D3			
	ADD.w	D7, D2
	LSL.l	D2, D3
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; read data stream
	SUB.w	D2, D7
	LSL.l	D7, D3
	MOVEQ	#$00000010, D2
	SUB.w	D7, D2
	MOVE.l	D3, D7
	BRA.w	@unknown_skip_0000285A
	MOVEQ	#$00000010, D2
	CLR.w	D3
	ROL.l	D7, D3
	MOVE.w	D3, D7
	MOVE.w	(A1)+, D3		; read data stream
	BRA.w	@unknown_skip_0000285A
@write_prep_A_00002850: ; 
	SWAP	D3 		
	CLR.w	D3 		
	ROL.l	D7, D3	
	MOVE.w	D3, D7	
@unknown_skip_0000285A:		; finish write prep
	ADD.w	D7, D6 
	SUBQ.w	#3, D6
	BCS.w	@check_if_buffer_full_00002872	; ie. branch if D6>0
								; -------- write loop --------
							; takes the last-written word of the output buffer
							; and repeats that D6 times
							; if bit 15 of current output set, then start writing that instead
							; and clear bit 15
@write_loop_00002862:		; when we reach write loop, D6 tells us how many times to repeat
	MOVE.w	(A5), D7		; peek head of output buffer
	BPL.w	@unknown_skip_0000286C	; if bit 15 set, then skip ahead
	MOVE.w	D7, D5
	MOVE.b	D5, D4			; write lower byte of output to D4 before full D4.w is output	
	MOVE.w	D4, (A5)+		; WRITE D4 to output buffer
	DBF	D6, @write_loop_00002862	; and repeat write loop
							; fall out here when write loop done
								; -------- end write loop --------
	CMPA.l	A4, A5					; check current write pointer with address of end of buffer
	BCS.w	@repeat_all_00002726	; if not filled buffer, repeat
									; for first pattern, buffer is full first time around
	MOVE.w	D2, $FFFFF730.w	; save decompression state
	MOVE.w	D3, $FFFFF732.w ; save decompression state
	MOVEM.l	(SP)+, D2/D3/D4/D5/D6/D7/A4/A5	; restore register state
Decompression code (C#):

Code: Select all

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GunstarCompression
    class Decompressor
		private byte[] decompressionBuffer;
		private int decompressionBufferCursor;

		private List<byte> outputData;

		private byte[] inputData;
		private int inputCursor;

		private ushort bitsToProcess;
		private int numValidBits;

		private ushort d4;
		private ushort d5;
        private ushort d6;

		private int iterationCount;

		public Decompressor()
			decompressionBuffer = new byte[256];
			outputData = new List<byte>();

        public byte[] GetOutput()
            return outputData.ToArray();

		public void Decompress(byte[] inputData)
			this.inputData = inputData;

			inputCursor = 0;
			decompressionBufferCursor = 0;

			d4 = 0;
			d5 = 0;


			// Initial prep

			int numDecompressSteps = inputData[0];

			bitsToProcess = (ushort)(((ushort)inputData[1]) << 8);
			numValidBits = 8;
			inputCursor += 2;

			for (int i=0; i<numDecompressSteps; i++)
                decompressionBufferCursor = 0;

				while (decompressionBufferCursor < 128);



		private void DecompressStep()
			// ---- Top Prep ----

			// Read the next data chunk of 5 bits
			ushort dataChunk = ReadBits(5);

            bool isLsbSet = (dataChunk & 0x1) > 0;
            dataChunk = (ushort)((dataChunk >> 1) & 0xF);
			if (isLsbSet)
				// lower bit is set

                // Write nibble then do inner loop
                byte output = (byte)dataChunk;

                d4 = output;
                d5 = (ushort)(output | 0x8000);
                d6 = 0; // write offset

                // Inner Loop

                while (true)
                    // Process next two bits from the stream

                    ushort bitPair = 0; // D7
                    if (numValidBits > 2)
                        // inner branch A
                        bitPair = ReadBits(2);
                    else if (numValidBits == 2)
                        // inner branch B
                        bitPair = ReadBits(2);
                        // inner branch C
                        bitPair = ReadBits(2);
					ushort bitPair = ReadBits(2);

                    // After inner branch

                    if (bitPair == 0)
                        // inner continues

                        ushort tst = ReadBits(1);
                        if (tst == 0)

                        tst = ReadBits(1);
                        if (tst == 1)
                            // write ahead method 3

                            d6 += 20;
                            WriteWordAtOffset(d5, d6 - 1);
                            // write ahead method 2

                          	d6 += 12;

                            WriteWordAtOffset(d5, d6-2);
                        // write ahead method 1

                        ushort inc = (ushort)((bitPair + 6) * 2);
                        d6 += inc;

                        // D5 probably has hi bit set at this point
                        WriteWordAtOffset(d5, d6-2);
				// lower bit clear
				// Direct byte write
				byte output = (byte)dataChunk;

				d4 = output;
				d5 = (ushort)(output | 0x8000);

			// ---- Shunt Loop ----

			int runLength = 0;
			int runMultiplier = 1;

			while (true)
				runMultiplier *= 2;

				ushort data = ReadBits(1);
				if (data == 0)
					// Found end of run

			// ---- Prep For Write (After Shunt Loop) ----
			// Really this can just be compressed into a single ReadBits call
			// But keeping it split into three for now so it can be traced along with the asm version
			ushort workingBits = 0;
			if (numValidBits > runLength)
				// Write prep A
				workingBits = ReadBits(runLength);
			else if (numValidBits == runLength)
				// Write prep B
				workingBits = ReadBits(runLength);
				// Write prep C
				workingBits = ReadBits(runLength);
			ushort workingBits = ReadBits(runLength);

            int loopAmount = (runMultiplier + workingBits) - 3;
            loopAmount += 1;

			// ---- Write Loop ----
            if (loopAmount > 0)
                // todo: do we need to add one to the runMultiplier because of how the asm handles it's loop counter check at the end of the loop?

                for (int i = 0; i < loopAmount; i++)
					ushort d7 = (ushort)((decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor] << 8)
										| decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor+1]);
					if ((d7 & 0x8000) > 0)
						d5 = d7;
						d4 = (ushort)(d5 & 0xF); // just take data nibble, clear bit 15



		private ushort ReadBits(int numRequiredBits)
			ushort mask = CreateBitMask(numRequiredBits);

			ushort output;
			if (numValidBits > numRequiredBits)
				output = (ushort)((bitsToProcess >> (16-numRequiredBits)) & mask);
				bitsToProcess = (ushort)(bitsToProcess << numRequiredBits);
				numValidBits -= numRequiredBits;
			else if (numValidBits == numRequiredBits)
				// Extract required bits
				output = (ushort)((bitsToProcess >> (16 - numRequiredBits)) & mask);

				// Read in next word to process
				bitsToProcess = (ushort)((inputData[inputCursor] << 8) | inputData[inputCursor + 1]);
				inputCursor += 2;
				numValidBits = 16;
			else // less that X bits to proccess
				// TODO: Do we need to create upper and lower masks?
				// upper is something like 00000011111100
				// lower is something like 00000000000011
				// otherwise we might get wrong data mixed in with our output because it's not masked properly

				ushort upperMask = CreateBitMask(numValidBits);
				// First gather remaining bits
				output = (ushort)((bitsToProcess >> (16 - numRequiredBits)) & mask);
				int numOustandingBits = numRequiredBits - numValidBits;

				// Read in next word to process
				bitsToProcess = (ushort)((inputData[inputCursor] << 8) | inputData[inputCursor + 1]);
				inputCursor += 2;
				numValidBits = 16;

				// And extract the outstanding bits
				output |= (ushort)((bitsToProcess >> (16 - numOustandingBits)) & mask);
                bitsToProcess = (ushort)(bitsToProcess << numOustandingBits);
				numValidBits -= numOustandingBits;
			return output;

		private static ushort CreateBitMask(int numBits)
			ushort mask = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++)
				mask |= (ushort)(1 << i);
			return mask;

		private void WriteAndIncrement(ushort value)
			this.decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor++] = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
			this.decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor++] = (byte)((value & 0xFF));

        private void WriteWordAtOffset(ushort value, int offset)
            byte lo = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
            byte hi = (byte)((value >> 8) & 0xFF);

            this.decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor + offset]     = hi;
            this.decompressionBuffer[decompressionBufferCursor + offset + 1] = lo;

		private void CompactToOutput()
			int cursorPos = 0;

			for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
				byte hi = (byte)((ReadDecompressedWord(ref cursorPos) & 0xF) << 4);
				byte lo = (byte)((ReadDecompressedWord(ref cursorPos) & 0xF) << 0);

				byte value = (byte)(hi | lo);

		private ushort ReadDecompressedWord(ref int cursorPos)
			byte hi = decompressionBuffer[cursorPos];
			byte lo = decompressionBuffer[cursorPos + 1];

			cursorPos += 2;

			return (ushort)((hi << 8) | lo);

		private void PrintDecompressionBuffer(int stepNum)
			Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("Decompression buffer: (step {0})", stepNum));
			int pos = 0;
			for (int y=0; y<8; y++)
                string rawBytes = string.Format("  {0}{1} {2}{3} {4}{5} {6}{7} {8}{9} {10}{11} {12}{13} {14}{15}",
					decompressionBuffer[pos]    .ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 1].ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 2].ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 3].ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 4].ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 5].ToString("X2"),
					decompressionBuffer[pos + 6].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos + 7].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos + 8].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos + 9].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +10].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +11].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +12].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +13].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +14].ToString("X2"),
                    decompressionBuffer[pos +15].ToString("X2"));

                string nibbles = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}",
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos + 1]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos + 3]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos + 5]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos + 7]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos + 9]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos +11]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos +13]),
                    PrettyFormatNibble(decompressionBuffer[pos +15]) );
                Console.Out.WriteLine(rawBytes + " " + nibbles);

				pos += 16;

        private static string PrettyFormatNibble(byte value)
            if (value == 0)
                return ".";
            return value.ToString("X1");

Re: Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:08 am
by Miquel
OrangyTang wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:13 pm
It seems to use this one format a lot, mostly for background pattern loading.
The other neat thing about it is that it doesn't seem to have any restrictions on length and just operates on a bit stream. GH seems to let it decode a pattern at a time and then send that to VRAM, and the decompressor can (and often does) stop mid-byte, only needing two 16-bit data values and an address to save the entire decompression state able to resume later.
I'm not sure if you are implying an exception as the method to stop decompressing. If that's the case it pushes SP, PC (SP-=4) and SR (SP-=4), and then on the exception code it pushes ALL the regs it uses.

If you are decompressing tiles the resulting size is always a multiple of 32 bytes since tiles are always 32 bytes in size (Sprites are too composed by one or more tiles).

Re: Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:36 am
by OrangyTang
No, no exceptions. As you say, it stops when it has 32 decoded bytes. But since it's bit-based, the 'read cursor' may be pointing to (for example) the 3rd bit in the 7th byte. And it only needs three 16-bit values to store it's state in order to resume later.

Re: Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:34 pm
by Miquel
Do you know what other kind of work this background processing can do?
If is able to stop/resume probably means there is a more priority background work to do, interesting to know what is.

Re: Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:49 pm
by OrangyTang
It's tied in with the vblank code, I had a thread about it a while ago viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2864

The loading system seems to have 7 'command' types known, one of which seems to decompress patterns to ram and then DMA to vram. The others I haven't figured out yet but there's a decompress to ram as well. A lot seem to be dummied out as if they got replaced by more generic versions.

Re: Gunstar Heroes Decompression - Format & C# code

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:15 pm
by OrangyTang
I finally got around to tidying up the code so the annotated asm routine from the rom and the c# version have been added to the original post.

It's worked on all of the compressed data I've managed to find so far, but without the palletes it's still rather garbled and not clear what things are. So palettes next I guess. :)