Interesting Code Snippets and Other Stuff

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Interesting Code Snippets and Other Stuff

Post by walker7 » Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:38 am

This thread is about interesting pieces of code in Genesis games, or stuff you just might want to know when coding. Feel free to add whatever you want to this thread.

Here are a few examples to get the thread rolling.


When multiplying a 32-bit number by 10 using this code:

Code: Select all

add.l	d0,d0
move.l	d0,d1
lsl.l	#2,d0
add.l	d1,d0
Keep in mind that it's better to NOT replace the lsl.l #2 with two add.l's, because that makes it take 4 cycles longer. The code above always takes 32 cycles.


For the VRAM increment register ($0F), the value is always positive, so if you write $80, it will advance 128 bytes after each read or write. Therefore, it can advance up to 255 bytes.


To implement a 16-bit Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), you could use this piece of code. Assume that a0 points to the LFSR's position in memory.

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move.w	(a0),d0
move.w	d0,d1
lsr.w	#1,d1
eor.w	d1,d0
move.w	d0,d1
lsr.w	#2,d1
eor.w	d1,d0
move.w	d0,d1
lsr.w	#4,d1
eor.w	d1,d0
move.w	d0,d1
lsr.w	#8,d1
eor.w	d1,d0
lsr.w	#1,d0
move.w	(a0),d0
addx.w	d0,d0
move.w	d0,(a0)

To copy the C flag to the X flag:

Code: Select all

scs	d0
add.b	d0,d0

Much like how Sega used Kosinski compression in their games, Beam Software used a similar format. When I have time to study it, I will post my findings here. It can be found at ... _Algorithm. Among my observations:
  • In the Radical Rex ROM, it's located at $0F7E30.
  • The decompressor comes in two varieties: Single-byte and double-byte.
  • It appears that a0 is the source pointer and a1 is the destination pointer.
  • The header is 4 bytes: The first 2 are the file size, and the last 2 are the offset for the first bitfield to be read.
  • The command bitfields are 32 bits long, whereas in Kosinski, they're 16 bits long. However, the first bitfield could be just 24 bits long.
  • Bitfields are read big-endian.
  • All bitfields are stored in one contiguous string, located after the data. In Kosinski, they are interspersed with the data.
  • It seems like after every uncompressed byte or uncompressed byte sequence, there's an automatic backreference.
  • Copy counts are encoded like this: Remove the leading 1 from the copy count. Insert a 0 after every bit, and append a 1 on the end.
  • For backreferences, they are encoded as an absolute offset with plain binary. The number of bits read depends on how many bytes have been written so far.
List of bitfield entries:
  • 00 [count] = Uncompressed Bytes
  • 01 = Uncompressed Single Byte
  • 1 [offset] 0 [count] = Backreference
  • 1 [offset] 1 = Repeat Any Previous Byte
An example of a copy count, using a value of 7, in binary:
  • Start with: 111
  • Remove the leading 1: 11
  • Insert 0's between bits: 101
  • Append a 1: 1011
Therefore, a value of 7 is encoded as 1011.

Another example, using a value of 85, in binary:
  • Start with: 1010101
  • Remove the leading 1: 010101
  • Insert 0's between bits: 00100010001
  • Append a 1: 001000100011
A value of 85 is encoded as 001000100011.

As stated before, if you find anything interesting regarding code snippets, post them here.
Last edited by walker7 on Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ehaliewicz » Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:26 am

Here's a piece of code I saw the other day for computing signum of a 32-bit integer.

Code: Select all

// c version
int signum(n) {
    if (n < 0) { return -1;}
    else if (n > 0) { return 1; }
    else { return 0; }

// optimized version
add.l d0, d0
subx.l d1, d1
negx.l d0
addx.l d1, d1

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MLBPA Baseball Graphic Storage Format

Post by walker7 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:23 am

This is a disassembly of the graphic format used by the Sega Genesis game "MLBPA Baseball." To see the game I am talking about, click here: I can tell you, it's based on the LZSS format.

Code: Select all

	move.w	$7414(a5), -(a7)
	move.w	#$ffff, $7414(a5)
	movem.l	a6/a5/a4/a3/a2/a1/a0/d7/d6/d5/d4/d3/d2/d1/d0, -(a7)

	; set VRAM write command
	; input:  a1.w = VRAM starting location
	move.w	a1, d0
	andi.l	#$0000ffff, d0
	asl.l	#2, d0
	lsr.w	#2, d0
	ori.w	#$4000, d0
	swap	d0
	move.l	d0, $00c00004
	lea	$00c00000, a1
	lea	$ffff6a9a, a4
	move.w	#0, d1
	move.l	(a3)+, d2
	lea	$ffff744e, a2
	movea.l	a2, a0
	move.l	#$20202020, d3

	move.w	#$03ff, d0
	move.l	d3, (a0)+
	dbf	d0, loc_0000076e

	move.w	#$0fee, d7
	moveq	#0, d3
	moveq	#0, d6

	; read a bit from the bitfield
	dbf	d3, loc_00000784
	move.b	(a3)+, d6
	moveq	#7, d3
	lsr.b	#1, d6
	bcc.w	loc_000007b2

	; this is what happens when a 1 is read in the bitfield
	; it's an uncompressed byte
	move.b	(a3)+, d0
	move.b	d0, (a4,d1.w)
	addi.w	#1, d1
	andi.w	#3, d1
	bne.w	loc_0000079e
	move.l	(a4), (a1)
	subq.l	#1, d2
	beq.w	loc_000007fc
	move.b	d0, (a2,d7.w)
	addq.w	#1, d7
	andi.w	#$0fff, d7
	bra.w	loc_0000077c

	; this is what happens when a 0 is read in the bitfield
	; it's a backreference
	moveq	#0, d4
	move.b	(a3)+, d4
	move.b	(a3)+, d0
	move.b	d0, d5
	andi.w	#$00f0, d0
	asl.w	#4, d0
	or.w	d0, d4
	andi.w	#$000f, d5
	addq.w	#2, d5
	move.b	(a2,d4.w), d0
	addq.w	#1, d4
	andi.w	#$0fff, d4
	move.b	d0, (a4,d1.w)
	addi.w	#1, d1
	andi.w	#3, d1
	bne.w	loc_000007e4
	move.l	(a4), (a1)
	subq.l	#1, d2
	beq.w	loc_000007fc
	move.b	d0, (a2,d7.w)
	addq.w	#1, d7
	andi.w	#$0fff, d7
	dbf	d5, loc_000007c8
	bra.w	loc_0000077c

	tst.w	d1
	beq.w	loc_00000804
	move.l	(a4), (a1)

	movem.l	(a7)+, d0/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6
	move.w	(a7)+, $7414(a5)
As I study this, here are my notes:
  • The routine is located at $000724 in ROM.
  • The a5 register is always set to $FF0000 throughout the whole program.
  • The lower half of d1 is used as input: The starting VRAM location. The a3 register is used as the source of the data.
  • There's some kind of 4-byte header; probably the number of bytes in the file.
  • The buffer is 4096 bytes long, but the cursor starts at the 18th-to-last byte, rather than at the beginning. Is there any reason for that?
  • a2 points this buffer, which is located at $FF744E in RAM.
  • a4 points a 4-byte buffer, which is located at $FF6A9A.
  • d7 is used to indicate where the 4096-byte buffer cursor is.
  • d1 is used to indicate where the 4-byte buffer cursor is.
  • Every time a byte is written, it's written to both buffers. If the fourth byte is written to the 4-byte buffer, those bytes get written to VRAM.
  • d6 is used to read the bitfields.
  • Bitfields are 8 bits long, read right to left, and are interspersed with the data.
  • In the bitfields, a 1 is an uncompressed byte and a 0 is a backreference.
  • Backreferences are two bytes: Consider them as a single 16-bit value. Then, bits 0-3 are the length + 3. The address is comprised of bits 7-4 then bits 15-8 from most significant to least significant.
  • The algorithm stops when the appropriate number of bytes is written.
Here's an example of a backreference in this format. Say that the location is $123 and the length nybble is $4 (meaning 7 bytes). Then, these are stored as the 16-bit value $2314. If you want a C++ example:

Code: Select all

// "location" ranges from 0x000 to 0xFFF
// "length" ranges from 3-18
byte[0] = location & 0xFF;
byte[1] = ((location >> 4) & 0xF0) | (length - 3);
Here's an example. The EA Sports logo that appears at the very beginning of the game has its graphics stored starting at $1069B4 in ROM, which are then decompressed to $5380 in VRAM.

The first bytes are 00 00 1A 00, which means we will be decompressing something that is 6,656 bytes long.

The first byte is $51, so that's our bitfield. In binary, that's 01010001. There will be a byte, 3 backreferences, a byte, a backreference, another byte, and another backreference.

FF | EE FF | 00 0F | 12 0F | F7 | 22 04 | 71 | 13 0D

Here's the breakdown.
  • The first byte is FF.
  • The next 2 bytes are a backreference. With EE FF, that means the location to copy from is $FEE and the length is $F, or 18 bytes. Since the only byte written so far is $FF, that means that byte will be copied to $FEF-$FFF, and then $000. All these 19 bytes contain $FF.
  • Another backreference, this time 00 0F, so the location is $000 and the length is 18 bytes. The result is now that bytes $001-$012 are all $FF.
  • Even another backreference, with bytes 12 0F. The location is $012 and the length is 18 bytes. Bytes $013-$024 are all $FF.
  • Next is an uncompressed byte, $F7. $025 is now $F7.
  • A backreference coming next. The bytes are 22 04, so the location is $022 and the length is $4, or 7 bytes. The bytes written since $022 are FF FF FF F7, so this sequence will be written. But when the length isn't enough to cover all the bytes backreferenced, the sequence just repeats. Therefore, $026-$02C will contain FF FF FF F7 FF FF FF.
  • Another uncompressed byte, this time a $71, so $02D is now 71.
  • Last bit in the bitfield. It's a backreference, with bytes 13 0D. That means the location is $013 and the length is $D, or 16 bytes. All that was written to $013-$022 were FF bytes, so that means 16 $FF bytes are written to $02E-$03D.
And here's the result for bytes $000-$03D of the buffer:

Code: Select all

$FEE-$FFF also has all $FF bytes written. Then, the pattern continues until all 6,656 bytes have been written to VRAM, at which point decompression stops.

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