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Sprites map are not compressed in VRAM

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:10 pm
by alko
why are repeating and symmetric tiles from sprites stored in VRAM as unique ?


Re: Sprites map are not compressed in VRAM

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:12 pm
by Stef
SGDK does not handle the duplicate / flip optimization on sprite tiles for various reasons.
It's much more tricky to handle as the optimization can work only on (hardware) sprite basis and so they should have the same size. It can somehow work if you fix the sprite size and also for single hardware sprite (no meta sprite) and still, you can have edge case where the rescomp sprite cutter would break it.

Edit: If you have multiple instances of the same sprite then you can use SPR_setVRamTileIndex(..) to share same tiles between several sprites.