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HELP! game structure using case's [SOLVED]

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:46 am
by Munkyears
Hi Guys,

Apologies for repeated posts but i'm slowly learning my way SGDK & C.

I'm doing as much legwork as I can but I do need help with a few things.

I've structured my game (early WIP) by using cases however I'm having issues with it waiting for a joypad instruction.
Here is the code so far:

Code: Select all

#include <genesis.h>
#include <gfx.h>
#include <sprite.h>
#include <sound.h>
#define GAME   2
#define TITLE  0
#define INTRO  1
#define LINES 36
#define TILE  40
static void handleInput();
static void joyEvent(u16 joy, u16 changed, u16 state);
static void introJoyEvent(u16 joy, u16 changed, u16 state); // Intro Trigger
static void gameJoyEvent(u16 joy, u16 changed, u16 state); // Game Trigger
int gamestate = INTRO;
volatile int waitflag = FALSE;
int score = 0; // SCORE TRACKER FOR LATER
int main()
    u16 palette[64]; // DECLARE PALETTE
    u16 ind; //DECLARE IND
    SYS_disableInts();    // disable interrupt when accessing VDP
    VDP_setScreenWidth320();    // initialization
    VDP_fadeIn(0, (4 * 16) - 1, palette, 20, FALSE);
    // set all palette to black
    VDP_setPaletteColors(0, (u16*) palette_black, 64);

    // prepare palettes
    memcpy(&palette[0], bgb_image.palette->data, 1024 * 2);
    memcpy(&palette[16], bga_image.palette->data, 32 * 2);
    VDP_clearPlan(PLAN_A, TRUE);
    VDP_clearPlan(PLAN_B, TRUE);

        case TITLE:
		waitMs (400);
        //Clear the A Plane to remove the logo and title screen text
        	VDP_clearPlan(PLAN_A, TRUE);
        	VDP_clearPlan(PLAN_B, TRUE);
       		VDP_drawImageEx(PLAN_A, &bga_image, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL1, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, ind), 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
        	ind += bga_image.tileset->numTile;
        //gamestate = TITLE;
        waitMs (400);

      case GAME:
        //VDP_drawText("Score:", 0, 0);

      case INTRO:

        waitMs (400);
        VDP_fadeIn(0, (4 * 16) - 1, palette, 20, FALSE);
        //VDP_fadeOut(0, 16, 30, FALSE);
        // load background
        ind = TILE_USERINDEX;
        VDP_drawImageEx(PLAN_B, &bgb_image, TILE_ATTR_FULL(PAL0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, ind), 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
        ind += bgb_image.tileset->numTile;
        //Main Menu Process
        VDP_drawText("* Press START *", 8, 15);
        VDP_drawText("By Joseph Ioannou (53K70R)", 7, 25);
        VDP_drawText("(C) Ponyo - Studio Ghibli", 6, 26);
    return 0;

static void introJoyEvent(u16 joy, u16 changed, u16 state)
    // START button state changed
    if (changed & BUTTON_START)
        //VDP_fadeOut(0, 16, 30, FALSE); //FADE TO BLACK

        gamestate = TITLE;

    if (changed & state & (BUTTON_A | BUTTON_B | BUTTON_C))


static void joyEvent(u16 joy, u16 changed, u16 state)
    // START button state changed
    if (changed & BUTTON_START)
        gamestate = TITLE;

    if (changed & state & (BUTTON_A | BUTTON_B | BUTTON_C))

The rom loads, flashes 4 times (Rogue fade effects?) then immediately goes to GAME case which is just an image as a place holder.

I've setup joyevents as noted above however it doesnt seem to have any sort of effect when pressing start etc,

Any help would be great!! Thanks! :)

[UPDATE] I've noticed that when I use frame skip, it seems to wait for the instruction then moves to the next case so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong?

Re: HELP! game structure using case's

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:11 am
by Munkyears
Heres a link to the rom.bin incase anyone needs to look

Re: HELP! game structure using case's

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:31 pm
by Munkyears
[UPDATE] Solved it! :)