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Spy Strange behaviour with GensKMod

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:01 pm
by tryphon

To locate the problem of my project (see other thread), I enabled the "Spy Strange Behaviour" option in GensKMod debug menu.

Here's what I get :
Spy:00200 Reg. 0 : bit 2 must be 1
Spy:00001 Reg. 118792768 : bit 2 must be 1
Spy:00200 Reg. 15 : an auto increment data of 0 is a bad idea!
Spy:0E6BC want to write a Byte at 00000034
Spy:0E6BC want to write a Byte at 00000035
Spy:0E6BC want to write a Byte at 00000036
Spy:0E6BC want to write a Word at 00000038
Spy:0E6BC want to write a Word at 0000003A
Spy:00C48 want to write a Byte at 00000034
Spy:00C48 want to write a Byte at 00000035
Spy:00C48 want to write a Byte at 00000036
Spy:00C48 want to write a Word at 00000038
Spy:00C48 want to write a Word at 0000003A
At 0x200, we have the RESET exception code, that starts with :

Code: Select all

move    #$2700,sr
At 0xE6BC, we're in a SGDK function :

Code: Select all

	move.w  6(sp),d1
	andi.w  #7,d1
	ori.w   #$20,d1 ; ' '
	lsl.w   #8,d1
	move    sr,d0 ; that 0xE6BC
	move    d1,sr
	lsr.w   #8,d0
	andi.w  #7,d0
I don't see how move sr, d0 wants to write anything at 0x34.

At 0xC48, it's indeed some of my code, but then again, it doesn't write anything in RAM :

Code: Select all

	movem.l d2-d4/a2,-(sp)
	jsr     (sub_0_714).l    ; 0xC48 is here
	lea     (unk_0_FF048C).l,a2
	moveq   #$13,d2
	moveq   #0,d3
How am I supposed to interpret GensKMod results ? And has it something to do with my problem ?