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Werewolfs, Lycans, Garu's, whatever you call them

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:04 pm
by evildragon
I don't know why, but I'm fascinated with these mythological creatures.

Whenever a new werewolf movie comes out, I watch it (latest is Blood and Chocolate).

I kinda wish my internet name wasn't weredragon now.

Anyone else like these mythological creatures?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:18 pm
by tinctu
I think Lycans was in Ancient Greek mythology first... Zeus

Is theory that Slavic Tribes was from Greek (Origin). (That they has bring myth in EUROPE)

And they was in war with Vikings (Big rivers /They was controlling big rivers and seas from europe to asia to america... like pirates/ for example Volga... etc -> Scandinavian Myth)

And on new Slavic area were Celts which has found new home in Britania (or mixed with Slavic tribes - names of rivers ,moutains are Celts not Slavic in Czech,Slovak,Poland.... for example Donau)

Some Vikings becomes to Normans in France later (after changing religion to christian).

But it is only theory!!!There are lot of theories...Who knows...

In Old Slavic mythology is "vlkodlak" it means "killer - wolf" or somethink like that...


PS: In history was people permanently in moving or war... Or changing girlfriends... :roll:

What about Werewolves RPG game 8)