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Procedurally generated 2d terrain?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:08 pm
by djcouchycouch
Crazy ideas time.

Any ideas on how to generate fast and decent 2d tile terrain in real time? The game would generate new columns or rows depending on the direction the player is scrolling in.

If say, Goplanes had wide areas between cities or towns or whatever, then procedurally generated terrain would save me from building those maps by hand. And save memory as well. Of course the generation would have to be deterministic. The same seed value would generate the same terrain.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:50 pm
by ammianus
I'll go out on a limb here and say that if you wanted basic terrain that could be just a simple loop that draws a pattern of tiles?

This is what I was doing in early versions of my 32x demo see this thread

So to draw a floor made of a single tile that was repeating was something like this:

Code: Select all

      for(background_tile_x = 0;background_tile_x < MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH; background_tile_x++)
         for(background_tile_y = 10;background_tile_y < MAP_SCREEN_HEIGHT; background_tile_y++)
            //where map_tiles[0] contains my 16x16 tile
From the above it could be more complex putting in additional logic as needed in the loops. E.g. this puts different tiles depending on which row of the background. This is just simple stuff, you could certainly make the terrain more complex with some additional if statements to control hills and valleys etc..

Code: Select all

     //for each row
      for(background_tile_y = 8;background_tile_y < MAP_SCREEN_HEIGHT; background_tile_y++)
				case 8:
					tile_select = 2;
				case 9:
					tile_select = 1;
					tile_select = 0;
    //for each column in row
         for(background_tile_x = 0;background_tile_x < MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH; background_tile_x++)
            //where map_tiles[tile_select ] contains my 16x16 tile
            drawSprite(map_tiles[tile_select ],...);
There would need to be some kind of other counter that tracks how long you are in this looping terrain so you could eventually break out of it.

What are your requirements for the terrain? How complex would it need to be?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:56 pm
by haroldoop
This page presents some map generation algorithms for roguelike games:
http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment. ... e=Articles
I'm not entirely sure if any of those would be useful in your case, though.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:57 pm
by djcouchycouch
I should've originally posted an example of what I had in mind, so here's the general idea:


Warning, not a math guy:

If you ignore the large floating rock chunks, the mountain range could be represented by some kind of formula. (really simplest case, a sine wave) Using X position as a parameter, it would give a height on Y. Then everything over Y is sky and everything below is ground. The formula would be set up so that it creates a decent looking mountain range.

For the floating rock chunks to be generated randomly, I have no idea.

An alternate idea but not exactly what I have in mind is to pre-create a bunch of sections that look like a mountain and stitch them together according to a pattern.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:25 pm
by haroldoop
Maybe you could use some variant of the plasma fractal, a.k.a. diamond-square algorithm: ... /ch10.html


This algorithm is often used to make random mountains, forests, oceans, etc.

One possible way to do it would be to use the 1D variant for the montain ranges, and the 2D variant for the floating rocks.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:28 pm
by TmEE co.(TM)
I would make a bunch of large blocks of various terrain and then use RNG to create some kind of arrangement of them

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:10 pm
by djcouchycouch
TmEE co.(TM) wrote:I would make a bunch of large blocks of various terrain and then use RNG to create some kind of arrangement of them
That's probably the easiest route to take.