MD RS232 Rx Problem

For hardware talk only (please avoid ROM dumper stuff)
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Post by KanedaFr » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:25 pm

Personnaly, my first goal was to create KDebug_Alert() which use serial
My second was to be able to talk with the genny (using a basic terminal session) , to add it on debug version of my games to update some value while playing, or upload tile/sprite for render testing....

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Post by MintyTheCat » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:34 pm

KanedaFr wrote:Personnaly, my first goal was to create KDebug_Alert() which use serial
My second was to be able to talk with the genny (using a basic terminal session) , to add it on debug version of my games to update some value while playing, or upload tile/sprite for render testing....
Exactly - this what I am referring to - you will need a Link from PC to MD and the software.

I already have a serial command monitor to make changes to my game's state, data and change the MD's state when I wish to. What is missing is a Link on the PC side which is essentially a Driver.

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Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:56 am

Post by KanedaFr » Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:27 pm

Why not using pure serial ?
I mean just send char using serial, no ? why write a specific driver which will work on Linux but not Windows, or no longer on Windows 12 ?

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Post by MintyTheCat » Mon May 26, 2014 11:22 am

I have spoken to a couple of Chaps about this but one approach for the People who do not own a Flash Cart or UMDK or what ever would be to implement XModem on the MD side:

This would allow someone wishing to transfer 'files' between the PC and the MD and would help Developers to upload Level-Data, Graphic-Data, Sound, etc.

I am working on MIDI at present so it will have to wait but that would make life a lot easier.

I intend to add MIDI support and XModem support to UMDK.

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