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by ob1
Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:58 pm
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: 32x "security code" reverse engineered
Replies: 27
Views: 47137

I've already tried, but it's more likely the assembler I use that doesn't handle movem very well.
But you're right. The real syntax is movem Dn-Dm/Au-Av,-(sp)
by ob1
Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:39 pm
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: 32x "security code" reverse engineered
Replies: 27
Views: 47137

I've checked out the SEGA 32X DevKit sources, and rewrote the icd_mars.prg to assemble with the - great - Charles Doty's assembler.

There were 2 mistakes : forgt $0 at the end of Z80 init and "security code" sentence.

asm.exe isn't keen on movem, so I've replaced them with dc instead.

Code: Select all

*	MARS Initial & Security ( Cartridge Mode Only )
*	Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES,LTD. 1994
*		CS Hardware R&D Dept.
*			T.Okawa
*	Version 0.5	3/31/94	Version 0.0 Board
*	Version 1.0	4/12/94	Version 1.0 Board
*	Version 1.1	4/19/94	Custom IC
*	Version 1.1a	5/12/94	Custom IC Bug Fix
*	Version 1.1b	6/02/94	a4 register clear miss
*	Version 1.1c	7/13/94	Check SUM compare miss

BankSet	equ	$c0
AllBankSet	equ	$d4

*	      Normal Mode	Mars Mode
* StartMarsInit	000400H	 880400H
* CopyrightData 	000510H	 880510H
* VdpRegInit	0005AAH	 8805AAH
* VramClear	0005D2H	 8805D2H
* FrameClear	000658H	 880658H
* PaletteClear	000696H	 880696H
* RestartPrg	0006BEH	 8806BEH
* Hot_Start	0007ECH	 8807ECH
* MarsError	0007FCH	 8807FCH
* IcdAllEnd	000800H	 880800H

*		‚u‚…‚ƒ‚”‚￾‚’‚q‚n‚l“àƒ‹￾[ƒ`ƒ“
*                                	;-----------------------------------------------------------
*                                	;	Bank Set
*                                	;
*                                	; IN	a1.l	Bank Register Address ($a130f1-$a130ff)
*                                	;	d0.b	Bank Data ($00-$3f)
*                                	;-----------------------------------------------------------
* 000000C0                       	BankSet:
* 000000C0   08F9 0000 00A1 5107 		bset.b	#0,$a15107	; RV = 1
* 000000C8   1280                		move.b	d0,(a1)
* 000000CA   08B9 0000 00A1 5107 		bclr.b	#0,$a15107	; RV = 0
* 000000D2   4E75                		rts
*                                	;-----------------------------------------------------------
*                                	;	All Bank Set
*                                	;
*                                	; IN	a0.l	Bank Register Data Table Address
*                                	;-----------------------------------------------------------
* 000000D4                       	AllBankSet:
* 000000D4   48E7 0140           		movem.l	d7/a1,-(sp)
* 000000D8   08F9 0000 00A1 5107 		bset.b	#0,$a15107	; RV = 1
* 000000E0   43F9 00A1 30F1      		lea	$a130f1,a1
* 000000E6   7E07                		moveq	#8-1,d7
* 000000E8                       	l0:
* 000000E8   1298                		move.b	(a0)+,(a1)
* 000000EA   D0FC 0002           		adda	#2,a1
* 000000EE   51CF FFF8           		dbra	d7,l0
* 000000F2   08B9 0000 00A1 5107 		bclr.b	#0,$a15107	; RV = 0
* 000000FA   4CDF 0280           		movem.l	(sp)+,d7/a1
* 000000FE   4E75                		rts

*	Mega Drive / Genesis Initialize
*	MARS System Register Initialize
*	MARS VDP Register Initialize
*	MARS Frame Buffer Clear
*	SH2 SDRAM Clear & Program Loading
*	Check TV Mode
*	Check SUM Compare
* OUT	cc/cs	"MARS ID" and "Self Check" Complete / Error
*	d0.w	Error status
*	 bit 0	MARS ID Error
*	 bit 1	TV Mode Error
*	 bit 2	Not used
*	 bit 3	Not used
*	 bit 4	Not used
*	 bit 5	Check Sum Error
*	 bit 6	Security Error
*	 bit 7	SDRAM Self Check Error
*	   |
*	 bit 15	0: Cold Start / 1: Hot Start
*	d1.w	TV Mode Status
*	|    bit 15   | bit 14-8 |  bit 7  |   bit 6   | bit 5 |   bit 4  | bit 3-0 |
*	| MARS TVmode | Not used | Country | MD TVmode |  DISK | Not used | Version |
*	d2.w	Check Sum Data
*	$A15120.l	"SQER"	: Security Error
*	$A15120.l	"SDER"	: SDRAM Self Check Error
*	$A15120.l	"M_OK"	: SH Master Setup OK
*	$A15124.l	"S_OK"	: SH Slave Setup OK
*	￾¦’￾ˆÓŽ–￾€￾¦
*	￾›￾?‚r‚g‚Q‚ªƒZƒbƒgƒAƒbƒv￾I—¹‚µ‚½‚±‚Æ‚ð•K‚¸Šm”F‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢￾B
*	￾›￾?‚±‚̃vƒ￾ƒOƒ‰ƒ€‚ª￾³￾í￾I—¹‚µ‚È‚¢￾ê￾‡‚Í￾Aƒ†￾[ƒU￾[‚É￾Ú‘±“™‚ð
*	￾?Šm”F‚·‚é‚悤ƒ￾ƒbƒZ￾[ƒW‚ð•\Ž¦‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢￾B
*	￾›￾?‚U‚W‚j‚Æ‚r‚g‚Q‚Ì‘¬“x￾·‚ª‚©‚È‚è‚ ‚邽‚ß“¯Šú‚ð•K‚¸‚Æ‚é‚悤‚É
*	￾?‚µ‚Ä‚­‚¾‚³‚¢￾B

*program start
	org	$000003f0

	move.l	#-64,a4
	move.l	#0,$a15128
	move.w	#$2700,sr	; Interrupt disenable

	lea	$a10000,a5

	moveq	#1,d0
	cmp.l	#'MARS',$30ec(a5)	; check MARS ID
	bne	MarsError

	btst.b	#7,$5101(a5)	; adapter control reg. REN=1 ?
	beq.b	sh_wait

* ----	Check Cold Start / Hot Start
	tst.l	$8(a5)		; power on check cntl_A,cntl_B
	beq.b	cold_start	; reset hot_start
	tst.w	$c(a5)		; power on check cntl_C
	beq.b	cold_start	; reset hot_start
	btst.b	#0,$5101(a5)	; check adapter mode
	bne	Hot_Start
* power on (cold_start)

* ----	Security
	move.b	1(a5),d0	; read Version No.
	andi.b	#$000f,d0	; Ver.No check
	beq.b	japan
	move.l	$55a,$4000(a5)	;security part move "SEGA"
	moveq	#0,d1		; D1 set   0
	move.l	d1,a6		; A6 $00000000
	move.l	a6,usp		; User Stack Pointer

	lea	vreg_dt,a0
	bsr	VdpRegInit	; VDP Register Initial
	bsr	VramClear	; VRAM,VSRAM,CRAM Clear

	lea	z80_prg,a3
	lea	$a00000,a1
	lea	$c00011,a2
	move.w	#$100,d7
	moveq	#0,d0
* Z80 self_initial
	move.w	d7,$1100(a5)	; Z80_BUSREQ ON
	move.w	d7,$1200(a5)	; Z80_RESET  OFF
	btst	d0,$1100(a5)	; Z80_BGACK  CHECK ?
	bne.b	z801
	moveq	#37,d2		; D2 is Z80_program's size
	move.b	(a3)+,(a1)+	; move.B (z80_prg)+,($a00000)+
	dbra	d2,z802
	move	d0,$1200(a5)	; Z80_RESET  ON
	move	d0,$1100(a5)	; Z80_BUSREQ OFF
	move	d7,$1200(a5)	; Z80_RESET  OFF(Z80 start)

	move.b	(a3)+,(a2)	; clear PSG
	move.b	(a3)+,(a2)
	move.b	(a3)+,(a2)
	move.b	(a3)+,(a2)

	lea	l0,a0		; copy from ROM to WRAM
	lea	$ff0000,a1
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+

	lea	$ff0000,a0
	jmp	(a0)

	move.b	#1,$5101(a5)	; MARS mode
* SH2 reset - wait 10ms -
	lea	RestartPrg,a0
	adda.l	#$880000,a0
	jmp	(a0)

	dc.b	$04,$04,$30,$3c,$07,$6c,$00,$00		;VDP REG #0-7
	dc.b	$00,$00,$ff,$00,$81,$37,$00,$02		;VDP_REG #8-15
	dc.b	$01,$00,$00				;VDP REG #16-18
	dc.b	$00					; Rajout OB1.

	dc.b	$AF		;XOR	A
	dc.b	$01,$D9,$1F	;LD	BC,1FD9H
	dc.b	$11,$27,$00	;LD	DE,0027H
	dc.b	$21,$26,$00	;LD	HL,0026H
	dc.b	$F9		;LD	SP,HL
	dc.b	$77		;LD	(HL),A
	dc.b	$ED,$B0		;LDIR
	dc.b	$DD,$E1		;POP	IX
	dc.b	$FD,$E1		;POP	IY
	dc.b	$ED,$47		;LD	I,A
	dc.b	$ED,$4F		;LD	R,A
	dc.b	$D1		;POP	DE
	dc.b	$E1		;POP	HL
	dc.b	$F1		;POP	AF
	dc.b	$08		;EX	AF,AF'
	dc.b	$D9		;EXX
	dc.b	$C1		;POP	BC
	dc.b	$D1		;POP	DE
	dc.b	$E1		;POP	HL
	dc.b	$F1		;POP	AF
	dc.b	$F9		;LD	SP,HL
	dc.b	$F3		;DI
	dc.b	$ED,$56		;IM1
	dc.b	$36,$E9		;LD	(HL),$E9='JP (HL)'
	dc.b	$E9		;JP	(HL)
	dc.b	$9F,$BF,$DF,$FF	;PSG initial data

*	Copyright
	dc.b	'MARS Initial & Security Program'
	dc.b	'          Cartridge Version    '
	dc.b	'Copyright SEGA ENTERPRISES,LTD.'
	dc.b	' 1994                    '
	dc.b	'              ROM Version 1.0'
	dc.b	0		; Rajout OB1.

*	VDP Register & VRAM Initial
* IN	a0.l	Register Data Table Address

*	movem.l	d0/d1/a1,-(a7)	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$48e7,$c040

	lea	$c00004,a1
	move.w	(a1),d0		; VDP Dummy Read
	move.w	#$8000,d0	; Register No.
	move.w	#$100,d1	; Increment Value
	move.w	#19-1,d7	; Register 0-18
	move.b	(a0)+,d0
	move.w	d0,(a1)
	add.w	d1,d0
	dbra	d7,l02

*	movem.l	(a7)+,d0/d1/a1	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$4cdf,$0203


*	movem.l	d0/d7/a0/a1,-(a7)	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$48e7,$81c0

	lea	fill_data,a0
	lea	$c00004,a1

	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)	;dma fill(VDP_VRAM CLEAR)
	move.w	d1,-4(a1)	;fill data set $0
	move.w	(a1),d0
	btst	#1,d0
	bne.b	chk_vdp	; DMA end/H

	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)
	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)

	moveq	#0,d0
	move.l	#$c0000000,(a1)	; clear ColorRAM
	moveq	#$80/2/4-1,d7
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	dbra	d7,cclr

	move.l	#$40000010,(a1)	; clear VscrollRAM
	moveq	#$50/2/4-1,d7
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	move.w	d0,-4(a1)
	dbra	d7,vsclr

*	movem.l	(a7)+,d0/d7/a0/a1	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$4cdf,$0381

	dc.w	$8114,$8f01
	dc.w	$93ff,$94ff,$9500,$9600,$9780	;VDP_REG #19-23
	dc.l	$40000080		;dma fill(VDP_VRAM clear)
	dc.w	$8104,$8f02

*	Frame Buffer Clear

*	movem.l	d0/d1/d7/a1,-(a7)	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$48e7,$c140

	lea	$a15180,a1
	bclr.b	#7,-$80(a1)	; MD access
	bne.b	fm

	move.w	#$20000/$200-1,d7
	moveq	#0,d0
	moveq	#0,d1
	move.w	#$ff,$4(a1)	; Fill Length Reg.
	move.w	d1,$6(a1)	; Fill Start Address Reg.
	move.w	d0,$8(a1)	; Fill Data Reg.
	btst.b	#1,$b(a1)	; FEN = 0 ?
	bne.b	fen0
	add.w	#$100,d1	; Address = +200H
	dbra	d7,fill0

*	movem.l	(a7)+,d0/d1/d7/a1	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$4cdf,$0283

*	Palette RAM Clear

*	movem.l	d0/d7/a0,-(a7)	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$48e7,$8180

	lea	$a15200,a0
	bclr.b	#7,-$100(a0)	; MD access
	bne.b	fm2

	move.w	#256/2/4-1,d7
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	dbra	d7,pl

*	movem.l	(a7)+,d0/d7/a0	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$4cdf,$0181

*	PC = +$880000

	lea.l	$ff0000,a0	; clear WorkRAM
	move.w	#$10000/4/8-1,d7
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	move.l	d0,(a0)+
	dbra	d7,wclr

	move.w	#0,$1200(a5)	; Z80 RESET

	moveq	#10,d7			; 8
	dbra	d7,res_wait			; 12*d7+10

* ----	Mars Register Initialize

	lea	$a15100,a1

* ----	Communication Reg. Clear
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.l	d0,$20(a1)	; 0	OB1 - Put in comment and swap with 2 'nop' to see "M_OK"
*	nop
*	nop
	move.l	d0,$24(a1)	; 4	OB1 - Put in comment and swap with 2 'nop' to see "S_OK"
*	nop
*	nop

	move.b	#3,$5101(a5)	; SH2 start
	move.l	$880000,a7	; set stack pointer
	bclr.b	#7,(a1)		; MD access
	bne.b	fm3
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.w	d0,2(a1)	; Interrupt Reg.
	move.w	d0,4(a1)	; Bank Reg.
	move.w	d0,6(a1)	; DREQ Control Reg.
	move.l	d0,8(a1)	; DREQ Source Address Reg.
	move.l	d0,$c(a1)	; DREQ Destination Address Reg.
	move.w	d0,$10(a1)	; DREQ Length Reg.
	move.w	d0,$30(a1)	; PWM Control
	move.w	d0,$32(a1)	; PWM fs Reg.
	move.w	d0,$38(a1)	; PWM Mono Reg.

	move.w	d0,$80(a1)	; Bitmap Mode Reg.
	move.w	d0,$82(a1)	; Shift Reg.

* ----	Mars Frame Buffer Clear
	bclr.b	#0,$8b(a1)	; FS = 0
	bne.b	fs0

	bsr	FrameClear

	bset.b	#0,$8b(a1)	; FS = 1
	beq.b	fs1

	bsr	FrameClear

	bclr.b	#0,$8b(a1)	; FS = 0

* ----	Palette RAM Clear
	bsr	PaletteClear

* ----	SH2 Check
	move	#$40,d0
	move.l	$20(a1),d1	; Security Check
	cmp.l	#'SQER',d1
	beq	MarsError

	move	#$80,d0
	move.l	$20(a1),d1	; SDRAM Self Check
	cmp.l	#'SDER',d1
	beq	MarsError

*	move.l	#$880200+6*27,$70
	move.l	#$8802A2,$70	; Set H Interrupt Vector

* ----  TV Mode Check
	move	#2,d0
	moveq	#0,d1
	move.b	$1(a5),d1
	move.b	$80(a1),d2
	lsl.w	#8,d2
	or.w	d2,d1
	btst	#15,d1
	bne.b	NTSC
	btst	#6,d1
	beq	MarsError
	bra.b	tvmodeok
	btst	#6,d1
	bne	MarsError

* ----  CheckSum Compare
	moveq	#$20,d0
	lea	$880000,a0	; MARS Bank Image Address
	move.w	$18e(a0),d6	; CheckSum Data
	tst.w	d6
	beq	cksumend	; if CheckSum = 0 then No check
	move.w	$28(a1),d2
	cmp.w	#0,d2
	beq.b	cksum

	cmp.w	d6,d2		; CheckSum Compare
	bne.b	MarsError


* ----	Communication Reg. Clear
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.l	d0,$28(a1)	; 8
	move.l	d0,$2c(a1)	; 12

	move.w	(a4),d7
	movea.l	#-64,a6
*	movem.l	(a6),d0/d3-d7/a0-a6	; Charles Doty's assembler isn't keen on MOVEM
	dc.w	$4cd6,$7ff9
	move	#0,ccr		; Complete
	bra.b	IcdAllEnd
	lea	$a15100,a1
	move.w	d0,6(a1)	; DREQ Control Reg.

	move.w	#$8000,d0
	bra.b	IcdAllEnd
	move	#1,ccr		; Error

*	end of file
by ob1
Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:27 am
Forum: Tools
Topic: Gens32X-KMod
Replies: 15
Views: 15471

found Egypt on romnation, but nothing else :(
by ob1
Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:46 am
Forum: Tools
Topic: Gens32X-KMod
Replies: 15
Views: 15471

Where did you find this demo ?
I've checked the SEGA demo, but could manage to run anything except SAMPLES\GNUSMPLE\MD\DEMO, and rename md.bin to md.32x.
by ob1
Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:33 pm
Forum: Announcement
Topic: Forum is now open to public
Replies: 49
Views: 85957 ... c.php?t=61
as I said to Fonzie, I don't regret this forum, I had more feedback on KMod in 1 month than in....3(?) years
This forum is great !!!
by ob1
Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:49 am
Forum: Mega/SegaCD
Topic: CDROM reading issue after subcpu halt
Replies: 30
Views: 41217

Mask of Destiny wrote:Yeah, every 1/75th of a second when you're reading data off the drive.
Aren't these interrupts frame interrupts ? Not frame as a frame per image, but frame as in the CD-audio specification ? A CD-audio is 73'59"and 74 frames. Each second is divided in 74 frame.
Could it be ?
by ob1
Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:39 am
Forum: Tools
Topic: Gens32X-KMod
Replies: 15
Views: 15471

And now ladies and gents,
the great "trio d'enfer",
and Fonz !!!
by ob1
Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:38 am
Forum: Tools
Topic: Gens32X-KMod
Replies: 15
Views: 15471

KanedaFr wrote:so I began the 32X part...

Not available at 2 AM, but heavy support on PM (private message this time) or mail (you know my email).

I need a little bit more than a simple memory viewer. Register, and eventually cache/private RAM viewer would be really welcome.
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:17 pm
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: FIFO
Replies: 10
Views: 10978

Yeah, I got it from the sources.
4*2 = 8, ok.
But 8 what ? 8 bytes ? Or 8 16-bit words ?
Seeing 4*2, I'm thinking about 4 2-bytes (16-bit) words.
Or is it really 8 16-bit words ?
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:14 pm
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: FIFO
Replies: 10
Views: 10978

I've tried it on Gens.
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:44 am
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: FIFO
Replies: 10
Views: 10978

by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:45 am
Forum: Announcement
Topic: Your IRL
Replies: 14
Views: 18148

Your IRL

We are a enthousiast squad, got it.
But seriously, Genny apart, what do you do in life ?

I'm 30 years old, married 1 daughter. I live in southern France. I work as an IT engineer for a retirement company, and gonna move in a transport compagny (CMA-CGM).
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:09 am
Forum: Tools
Topic: [GensKMod] version 0.6 is out
Replies: 22
Views: 19635

Wish list :
32X debug

as my mail states ;)

If I can help by any mean ...
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:21 am
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: FIFO
Replies: 10
Views: 10978

OK, so I've done a little 32X ROM, with just the 68k running. Here's the code : start68k: move.l #$A15106,a0 ; DREQ Control Register move.l #$A15112,a1 ; FIFO Register move.w #4,(a0) ; CPU write (68k writes data in FIFO) moveq #0,d1 whileFIFONotFull: move.w (a0),d0 andi.w #$80,d0 bne FIFOFull move.w...
by ob1
Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:01 am
Forum: Super 32X
Topic: FIFO
Replies: 10
Views: 10978


It's still the best and easiest way to exchange quickly small amount of data. For small data, I agree. But what about bigger data ? Anyway, I think I understand how the FIFO runs. The DMA remais a bit unclear for now, but it's going to change soon ;) Anyway, how big is the FIFO ? I've only found th...